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I am trying to find a way to load a profile back from the device memory?

Thing is, I recently had to re-install windows (long story... just... windows -_- ) and did not save the profile to a backup drive or anything. The profile had a lot of manually interpolated colours etc... and took a long time to get right.


I can't find an obvious way of recuperating the profile from the device memory back to the PC, though... :/


Ideally, I would expect the software to read the device memory and take that profile in automatically as the default... instead of this boring all read profile or OTT rainbow profiles.


Any ideas?

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  • 4 months later...

Yes, terabyte's solution DOES work. You have to exit CUE and restart for the setting to take effect.


1. In CUE, go to the SETTINGS > PROGRAM tab, and check the box "Automatically create application profiles stored on device."


2. Exit CUE and restart. The profile saved in your keyboard's device memory will be recreated as a profile in the dropdown menu.


3. Enjoy!

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