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Why cue v1.7.106 is so popular ???????

William Ip

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I didn't say anything about CUE 1.7.106 being popular or not. I agreed when the 1.9~~ update came out that I would test it out to see if the advanced mouse options were there or not. They were not.


Now, it doesn't make sense to remove features. That being said, I would imagine that Corsair does not want to incapacitate their own products. I'm being patient with the advanced mouse settings because I'm 99% sure they are coming back.


As to what's happening right now with them... Maybe the code is being rewritten to have less of an impact on the PC? Maybe the old code would not work with synchronization?


If the advanced settings are a make/break feature for you, you want CUE 1.7.106 and wait until they come back in a future update.

I found that the predefined settings are still pretty good (and while not as satisfying as making your own effects, you can still customize them to a small degree)


My m65 RGB still works. Instead of advanced settings in this patch, we got an SDK. I would have the SDK over that any day of the week :D


Also - if you put your statement in the title, nobody can quote you. If that's your thing, you do you.

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Now, it doesn't make sense to remove features. That being said, I would imagine that Corsair does not want to incapacitate their own products. I'm being patient with the advanced mouse settings because I'm 99% sure they are coming back.


As to what's happening right now with them... Maybe the code is being rewritten to have less of an impact on the PC? Maybe the old code would not work with synchronization?

If I recall correctly, they were removed to make way for the new CUE Link, and Corsair are indeed planning on restoring advanced functionality.

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Please accept my apology to bring u back as I have no intention to do so.


My file system reminds me that the date I downloaded CUE v1.6.107 was at end of May this year. Then tried to updated once to v1.8.120 and fall back to 1.6.107 the same day. The reason I won't bother to mention again.


The reason I raised the question " Why CUE v1.6.107 is so popular ?" is besides from reading your passage, I have been monitoring this forum for some time and it is very interesting that a small group of professional users in this forum voluntarily to test out every new CUE updates and share their experience on the board, then fall back to v1.6.107 again. They are all v1.6.107 lovers and again, I won't bother to explain why.


Based on your reply, I believe that u are also a true professional working in the IT field as u have mentioned the key points I intended to highlight. And Corsair should say a thank you to you as u are being truly a very patient user with Corsair Gaming's software team. But I am not. As I have mentioned the first day I installed v1.6.107 was in May, and since the first fall back, I have been sleeping with this version till now. Like u , I am expecting that Corsair Gaming will put the KB Mouse link feature back and now , the v1.10.67 is the fourth update since v1.6.107 and still there is no fix on the KB Mouse link issue. This is a totally 4 months delay on this feature which is once available to all the KB Mouse users. As a professional, u should realize 4 months of working man days equals to what.


The Corsair Gaming software team has violated the basic principles of software update and support in a very ugly way (again I won't bother to mention the details, not even including the Windows 10's issues.).


I keep asking the question on this forum is hoping that may be one day there will be a smart guy wake up from Corsair Gaming and set the right direction on the software support issue. I am not the guy who have time to test out every CUE update and report the errors back to Corsair as life is short.


In the mean time, I am typing this message using the new Cougar 700K and M KB Mouse with the Corsair K70 and M65 covering with dust.


Anyway, thanks again for your involvement with this lazy old man.



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the beta team tests out every new release and finds the bugs, it uncommon that a user will bring up issues.


and who is the group that "a small group of professional users in this forum voluntarily to test out every new CUE updates and share their experience on the board, then fall back to v1.6.107 again"

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This is a totally 4 months delay on this feature which is once available to all the KB Mouse users. As a professional, u should realize 4 months of working man days equals to what.


In the mean time, I am typing this message using the new Cougar 700K and M KB Mouse with the Corsair K70 and M65 covering with dust.


Hey I get where you're coming from, no need to apologize. I'm not a professional IT person; I study computers as a hobby and I operate a small, personal computer business with few clients - all of them are friends or friends of friends.


The difference between 1.7~~ and 1.10.67 is not much aside from Official W10 support, more standard lighting settings, bug fixes, and an SDK. I had no problems using 1.7~~ on W10 (upgraded, no clean install).


Functionally, I wouldn't really notice much difference if I were to downgrade back to 1.7~~ aside from the advanced mouse settings. In other words, I don't think you're missing much, other than the SDK, which probably works even if you don't have CUE installed (I have not tested this, but I would think its possible with my limited coding experience).


Again, the "First Impressions" post was made for the few users who find the advanced mouse settings absolutely critical so that you wouldn't have to waste time upgrading/downgrading. I meant for it to save you and other users time and to help people decide if they wanted to update or not by laying out the new features, that is all :)


I agree with you that the advanced features are taking a while to come back, and should have been reported as deactivated originally, but you can still have them active without missing out on many features (referencing the difference between 1.7~~ and 1.10.67)


If it will help, I can continue making "First Impressions" threads to help users like you (and other RGB mice users) decide on when to update. IMHO, you couldn't do too much with the two zones on the m65 anyways, except for applying gradients and reactive MMW clicks.


I hope that you find a solution to your frustration that satisfies you, whether its the other kb/mouse, CUE 1.7~~, or a CUE yet to come.

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I don't get it. What is going on in this thread?


He is unhappy that the new update still does not have the advanced mouse lighting options. I partially understand where he is coming from (feeling like he has to miss out on new features because he likes an old one that is now unsupported), but on the other hand, CUE 1.7~~ is not much different (at the end user experience) than CUE 1.10.67. It's not how I feel, but I understand the frustration.


Corsair knows the advanced features are missing and we have multiple sources that say they are coming back. It's just taking a while. Nobody has to update until she/he wants to update.

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Good to hear from u again.


Actually I have 3 sets of gaming kb mouse for the time being, the other set is ASUS Strix. When u have comparisons, it is easy to see the difference. Corsair Gaming kb mouse was my recent new gear and I like the hardware side of it. But the software side was a total failure as from a professional point of view, seems the software team over there is not up to date yet. I can accept the delay of the new features, or the delay of the patch fix, but never to remove the features already in place and cut it off without any notice. When I talk about professional, than it is real professional, not just another guy surfing on the net and freely leaving words without any responsibility. Frankly, I am disappointed with Corsair on this CUE update and support issues. Everybody think that gaming gears are just for fun, but think again, this is also the gear that u are using on daily basis working on the net to deal with the outside world, naturally u would expect a reliable partner that will not turn the back at u. That's what I meant professional.


Anyway, may be I talk too much because of the age. But please keep posting your experience with the new CUE on the board. It really help to save me some time to decide when is the time to jump.


Thanks for your efforts again.






William Ip

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Good to hear from u again.

Anyway, may be I talk too much because of the age. But please keep posting your experience with the new CUE on the board. It really help to save me some time to decide when is the time to jump.


No problem, I will continue the "First Impression" style posts. You are right, these are products we use for more than just gaming, and we should understand what each update does, whether it adds or removes features.

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