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No Device Detected, CUE want Detect on Restart USB 2.0 Windows 10 64 bit


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Yes, everything is updated, and this keyboard is really pissing me off. I am going to replace it with a Logitech since they work all the time. I am tired of having to constantly unplug, uninstall, re-install, and pray that the *#$&*@#$ RGB works the way it was claimed to work. This has been other than the fiasco with the Gigabyte X370 K7 board, the worst piece of hardware I have ever had the displeasure of using. I have updated everything, I have followed instructions. Plus Corsair's tech support site sucks! I have followed their instructions to set up an account, got the email, and was told that it had timed out in 30 SECONDS!!!!!! Then when I try and go back in, it tells me the account is taken, but I cannot log in, at all. I will never purchase another Corsair product ever. This has been utterly frustrating, I have to keep the RGB off since Red grates on my nerves. I am so disappointed.


did you check your bios and chipset, windows, and your bios for updates
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