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Is this something I should be worried about?


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I bought a Corsair TX650 a few days ago, I needed to change the original one in my PC because of my new graphics card (Geforce GTX-760). I have noticed that there is an intermitent, very small and faint electric kind of noise coming from the PSU. It is not higher than the normal PC sounds but you can hear it if you pay attention to it.


Also, when launching 3D applications or games there is a small high pitch noise that faints after about 10 mins of usage.


I did read the thread that says "PSU noisy", but I still can't conclude if it is something to be worried for.


I'm no expert at all when it comes to hardware.

Is this noise an indicator of something's wrong or am I just paranoid? If something is wrong how can I seek help from Corsair (I live in Ecuador, do you have any support location here?) Also, what are usual symptoms that the PSU is faulty or that something's wrong, for example unstable electrical current?

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