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  • The Graphite Series 600T side panel window kit comes with both windowed and mesh inserts so you can customize it the way you want. The window insert comes pre-installed on the side panel kit, providing the ability to see all your installed components. If you choose to swap from the window to mesh insert (only requiring a philips head screwdriver), it will provide improved air flow to your system.   Step 1: First place the side panel down on a soft or padded surface to avoid any scratches during the installation process. In the picture below I used the foam inserts which came with the packaging to protect the panel.   Step 2:  Locate the ten black screws which hold the window into place (boxed below in red). Use the philips head screwdriver to remove all ten.   Step 3: Once all the screws have been removed, the final step is to remove the window. On each side of the window you will find two tabs (boxed in green). Push on both tabs while pulling up on the window to release it (shown in the picture below). Repeat this method for each side of the window until all eight have been released.   Step 4: Turn the side panel around to remove the black trim. Once removed, only the metal side panel should be left.   Step 5: Remove the mesh from the packaging. You will notice a set of screws (boxed in red) is added for installing up to four 120mm case fans after mesh installation is complete. The mesh insert consists of ten mesh tabs (boxed in green) which you will insert down into the front side of the panel, matching up with the ten cut out slots (boxed in yellow) in the side panel. See below picture for details.   Step 6: Once the mesh has been set in place, flip the side panel back around to lock all ten metal tabs (boxed in red).   You have now finished installing the mesh side panel, and you're ready to install up to four 120mm case fans for improved air movement inside the case!

  • Since our Vengeance™ DDR3 memory kits overclocked well when I tested them originally, I decided to see how well the 16GB kit would overclock. The Vengeance 16GB CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9 kit is high density and uses four 4GB modules, so I chose to pair it with the new 2nd genereation Intel® Core processor family (Sandy Bridge). This new platform allows for memory clock speeds all the way up to 2133MHz. It also has a fairly strong memory controller which is required to run 16GB at high speeds. For the CPU I chose the Intel® Core™ i5-2500K, along with an ASUS® P8P67 PRO motherboard. To power the machine the Corsair Professional Series Gold™ AX1200 was chosen, along with the Corsair Hydro Series™ H70 for cooling the processor. At stock settings the Corsair Vengeance CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9 kit is rated at 1600MHz, with timings of 9-9-9-24. Just like the previous Vengeance kits I tested for overclocking, these were rated at 1.5 volts. This meant that raising the voltage should allow for even higher overclocks. After several hours of testing, overclocking the modules to 1866MHz and above seemed possible. However in order to reach these clock speeds, the timings needed to be loosened to 10-10-9-27 and the memory voltage needed to be set to 1.7v. With these settings the memory was able to be overclocked to 1921.8MHz. It was able to easily pass Intel Burn Test for 20 minutes using all 16GB of memory. It also passed HyperPi 32m without any issues as well. This made for a very impressive 321MHz overclock from the stock 1600MHz.   The 1.7v that was required to get the modules to overclock to 1921.8MHz is not recommended to run 24/7 however you can lower the memory voltage to 1.65v and still get great overclocks. With the same timings just the voltage reduced to 1.65v the 16GB Vengeance kit was able to run 1866MHz speeds. This was a 266MHz overclock over stock, something that is not common especially with a high density kit. I was impressed the 16GB Vengeance kit was able to be overclocked 20% over the standard frequency. It is also impressive is how well it overclocked with all of the memory slots filled, filling all of the slots and overclocking is not something that used to go well together. Even though it required a higher voltage that may not be safe for daily usage, the modules still overclocked well using 1.65v.

  • /corsairmedia/sys_master/productcontent/blog_corsair-weekly-review-round-up-speakers-and-coolers-edition-Content-1.jpgNeoseeker, Corsair Gaming Audio Series™ SP2200 2.1 PC Speaker System Review — "The speakers sound great and have a very wide range of volume output. I found that for every day use I could set the volume to around 1/4th and the audio was plenty loud.. If I set it to about half way, it was uncomfortably loud, though it still sounded very clear. These speakers should be loud enough for you to hear them anywhere in your house, or possibly even your neighbor's house; something to keep in mind."   blog_corsair-weekly-review-round-up-speakers-and-coolers-edition-Content-5.php?image=13466Guru3D, Gaming Audio Series SP2500 High-power 2.1 PC Speaker System Review — "So in conclusion, the SP2500 offers a lot for your money. It is an easy to use and easy to setup kit. The control pod / DSP is the cherry on top of the cake. The speaker audio quality really is extremely good with much clarity, great mid tones and a deep, although not perfect bass provided by the subwoofer. In pale comparison to you average desktop speaker kit, this set is a mile and half away in terms of better quality and sheer capacity."   /corsairmedia/sys_master/productcontent/blog_corsair-weekly-review-round-up-speakers-and-coolers-edition-Content-2.pngKitGuru, Gaming Audio Series SP2500 Review — 9.5 out of 10 rating —"The Corsair SP 2500 2.1 Speakers are the best ‘computer’ oriented speakers we have heard, especially in this price range. They outclass the Razer Mako THX speakers which have been a firm favourite with KitGuru staff for many years now. The bass is punchy, controlled and capable of rocking your teeth out of their sockets. This low end impact is well matched with a dynamic, refined mid range and restrained treble delivery. While they are being marketed by Corsair as primarily focused on the gaming market, we feel the potential audience is much wider. Discerning music lovers with a demand for a clear, focused, yet powerful sound would be well advised to shortlist these in regards to a potential upgrade. "   /corsairmedia/sys_master/productcontent/blog_corsair-weekly-review-round-up-speakers-and-coolers-edition-Content-3.jpgNeoseeker, Hydro Series™ H60 Review — "During our internal testing of the Cosair H60 it was able to perform at the same efficiency level as top rated air coolers such as the Thermlaright Ultra-120 and Titan Fenrir EVO, prior to overclocking. However, once we starting increasing the processor's voltage and frequency level, the H60 proved to be more efficient than all the tested air coolers. This allowed it to perform better than the Thermalright Ultra-120 in our overclocked CPU testing. This is an impressive feat, because the 120 has been the most efficient cooler in our testbed for some time."   TweakTown, Hydro Series™ H60 Review — "Corsair delivers a winner in the all-in-one liquid cooling segment with the release of the H60. This is supposed to be the "middle child" of the trio of coolers. Both the pricing and the naming pretty much set that in our minds right out of the gate. I am really taken by surprise to see the fantastic results of what a few changes to the series can do for this cooler. The new head design with a more direct injection of coolant to the cold plate along with a superior mounting system really rear up and show what they can do in this instance."   And finally, we have Overclock3D.net who wax poetically for nearly three quarters of an an hour about our SP2500 Speakers...

  • Our new Vengeance™ line of DDR3 memory is extremely popular. Due to strong demand from end users, we are now offering Vengeance modules in cerulean blue in addition to the original black. These color offerings provide Vengeance users with more options to enhance the aesthetics of their system. If you want to mix a black and blue kit of our Vengeance memory, you are in luck — the Vengeance 1600C9 kits are specifically designed to work in four-up and six-up configurations! So, multiple kits can be purchased and installed in a single system without a hitch. In order to get your system up and running, we recommend following a few guidelines to ensure optimum performance and stability. The most important thing to do is make sure you order the correct kits. For example, if you already own or plan on purchasing the CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 kit in black and you wish to add a blue kit, you would need to order the same exact part number except with a B (CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B) at the end. The 1600MHz Cas 9 Vengeance kits are designed to run in a 4 up configuration, any other kits rated at lower latencies or higher frequencies may not run 4 up. See the chart below for the matching blue kits.   Black Kit Part Number Matching Blue Kit CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9 CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9B CMZ4GX3M2A1600C9 CMZ4GX3M2A1600C9B   After purchasing the correct matching blue kit, there are a few ways to ensure best performance. Before installing the second memory kit, make sure you go into the BIOS and load the defaults. Doing so will wipe out any of the previous memory settings. This is to make sure the machine will post with both kits. Now you can move on to settings the proper memory timings, voltages and frequency. The easiest way to accomplish this is to enable XMP in the BIOS. After loading theBIOS defaults, you can enable XMP to get your modules up to speed. See our blog here to learn how to enable XMP. After you have enabled XMP you would want to check with CPU-Z that the memory is running at the correct timings and frequency.   XMP Disabled v.s. XMP Enabled   If you can't enable XMP or run into stability issues, manually settings the timings, voltages, and frequencies may be necessary. If you look on the side of your module the timings and voltages will be listed. The timings you would want to set are 9-9-9-24-2T (CAS-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-Command Rate) and the memory voltage is 1.5 volts. After you have those set you can adjust the memory frequency to 1600MHz. Depending on your platform, you may also need to increase the integrated memory controller (IMC) voltage as well. After getting both kits running you will want to run Memtest just to make sure there are no issues. For a full guide on how to run Memtest see the link here. If you get any errors in Memtest you may need to raise theIMC voltage. If you continue to get errors in Memtest your memory controller may not be able to run both kits at 1600MHz and you may need to lower the memory frequency. In some rare cases, due to memory controller factors, BIOS revisions, motherboard revisions etc, there may be combinations of memory revisions that simply will not run together. Our suggestion in this case is to purchase a matched kit of memory that is guaranteed to run together at the rated specifications for your system. If you have any issues or questions feel free to contact our Technical Support team here or by phone at 888-222-4346. Also, the Corsair Memory Upgrade Resource Guide is excellent reading for users buying and upgrading their computer memory.

  • Our Graphite Series™ 600T mid-tower case is equipped with an easily accessable fan controller on the exterior of the case. This short guide will show you how to properly connect this fan controller to the fans in your new case. Locating the Fan Controller Cables The fan controller knob is on the top of the case, and is pictured below. This knob controls the speed of the fans connected to the fan controller. Turning the knob to the left lowers the fan speed, while turning the knob to the right raises the speed. Remove the side panel from the 600T behind the motherboard tray. The fan controller cables are strapped to the case, as shown below. Release the cables by cutting the zip tie. Understanding Each Cable There are a total of six cables shown below Cables highlighted in red are the power fan connector cables, which are used to connect up to four fans The cable highlighted in green connects to a 4-pin Molex cable from your power supply, providing power to the fan controller knob and the four fan connector cables The cable highlighted in yellow is the top 200mm fan connector The other 200mm fan cable can be located backside bottom left of the case (not shown in picture below) Using the Fan Controller To connect a fan to the fan controller, the protective cap must first be removed. Removing the cap is simple, grab a hold of the cap (enclosed in red) and pull down from the fan power connector (enclosed in yellow). The cap will easily slide off. Once the cap is removed, two pins are revealed, allowing you to connect the two 200mm case fans. Locate the two 200mm case fans power cables on the back of the case. When located, plug the 2-pin fan controller cable to each 200mm case fan. Once the 2-pin fan controller power cables are connected to the 200mm case fans, installation is complete. Note that you still have two additional 2-pin fan controller power cables if you desire to add more case fans. Turn the system on and enjoy!

  • We are pleased to announce the availability of the Graphite Series™ 600T Side Panel with Windowed and Mesh Inserts today. It's actually been on our store for a couple of weeks now, and the enthusiast response could not be better. The default configuration comes with a clear window to allow you to show off all your hardware, but for performance seekers we also include a mesh insert that can be easily swapped out in it's place. The mesh insert can house up to four 120mm fans, and includes rubber grommets on the fan mounts to prevent vibration transfer to the chassis. A lot of people asked for this — when we launched the 600T one of the most common questions was "Will there be a windowed version?" Now we can categorically answer that question. In fact, it's so popular that the Special Edition White Graphite Series 600T will come this way straight out of the box, allowing end users to tweak their case for the best performance and appearance based on their preference. Adding the mesh side panel can really help bring down temps for those of you running multiple high-end GPUs in SLI, and it does so without affecting the clearance for your graphics card and CPU coolers. The reason we built this product was because we heard you all requesting it — so keep the suggestions coming. If we have enough demand for a new product, we have no problem building it.

  • The new Hydro Series™ H60 CPU cooler easily mounts to any AMD AM2, AMD AM3, Intel® LGA 1155, Intel LGA 1156, Intel LGA 1366, and Intel LGA 775. These instructions cover mounting the unit on an Intel X58 based motherboard. The mounting technique is the same for all supported Intel platforms.   The cooler is attached to the motherboard using a back plate, shown below.   The back plate has a plastic covering for insulation, and 4 adjustable threaded nuts. Adjust these 4 threaded nuts to fit the hole pattern of the motherboard used. Apply the back plate to the back of the motherboard as shown with insulated side against the back of the motherboard and with the extruded portion of the nut through the holes in the motherboard.   Then, from the front of the motherboard, thread 4 of the double ended standoffs into the back plate through the 4 mounting holes circled in red. Tighten these standoffs with firm finger pressure. Excessive tightening is not needed. The double ended standoff is shown in the inset below.   The cooling plate comes with a plastic covering protecting the plate and the thermal interface material, or TIM. Remove the plastic cover and be careful not to damage the TIM.   Align the 4 holes in the cooling plate bracket arms with the 4 threaded standoffs. Slide the cooling plate onto the threads until it makes contact with the CPU heat spreader. Do not allow the plate to move at this point while keeping firm pressure against it. Screw the 4 knurled nuts onto the threaded standoffs and tighten each until it contacts the arms of the mounting plate. Once contact is established, tighten all 4 knurled nuts equally, in an “X” pattern until each is secure against the standoff. Firm finger pressure or light tightening with a screw driver is sufficient. Excessive tightening is not needed.   Place the 4 washers onto the 4 radiator screws, as shown in the inset below. Note the 4 120mm mounting holes, circled in red. Place the screws into these 4 holes.   From the inside of your case, slide the fan onto the 4 mounting screws. Then, in an “X” pattern, tighten the screws into the 4 mounting holes on the radiator. Light pressure is sufficient and excessive tightening is not needed.   Both the pump in the cooling head and the fan need power. You may use available motherboard fan headers as shown below or connect them directly to the PSU if desired. A fan controller may used for the fan also however, it is not recommended to have the pump on a controller fan output. For power to the pump, be sure to use a header that supplies a continuous and uninterrupted 12v.   Your Hydro Series H60 CPU cooler is now installed and ready to use. A second fan (not included) may be added as the radiator is threaded on both sides to accommodate two 120mm fans in a push/pull configuration. Your individual case dimensions, motherboard layouts, and other factors may influence your ability to add a second fan.

  • Obsidian Series® 800D and 700D full-tower case owners can now upgrade their front USB 2.0 panel to a USB 3.0 with the Obsidian Series 800D/700D Front Panel USB 3.0 Upgrade Kit. Swapping in the kit requires only a #2 Phillips or cross head screwdriver, and a few minutes of your time.   Begin by removing both the case's front and right side panels on your Obsidian Series. Also, it is helpful to remove any optical drives you have in the upper 5.25” bays before beginning. Also, make sure to unplug all your front panel connections from the motherboard.   Remove the 2 screws from your existing USB panel, shown below circled in red. Once you have removed the screws, pull the panel out of the case and pull the cables thru the grommet.   Insert the new panel wiring into the same hole, and route them out the side of the case grommet in the direction of the red arrows.   Once the cables are through the grommet, pull the cables through and put your new USB 3.0 panel into the mount.   Replace the 2 screws, and route your cables through the case as needed. Once you install the new front panel, your case is now upgraded to USB 3.0 and ready to use!

  • /corsairmedia/sys_master/productcontent/blog_corsair-weekly-review-round-up-3-11-11-Content-1.pngHardware Heaven, Enthusiast Series™ TX850/TX750 V2 Review — Overall 10 out of 10 rating — "In terms of performance both versions of the TX V2 produced good results in each of our tests but excelled in two areas. The first was AC Ripple where this model registered some of the best results, especially on 12v, that we have seen. Then we had acoustic performance where these new PSUs were noticeably quieter than competing and older models."   Jonny Guru, Enthusiast Series TX850 V2 Review — Overall 9.5 out of 10 rating — "Once again, Corsair's gone back to the drawing board. Once again, they've come up with something fantastic and worthy of our dollars. Version 2 of the TX850 ends up being quite a fantastic unit to replace the older CWT based unit, and yours truly doesn't really have anything terribly bad to say against it. I do wish there was a second EPS12V connector, but that's about it. Since I cannot use the unit to travel back in time when dance music was good, I'll just have to settle for recommending an excellent power supply. Well done, Corsair."   Techgage, Gaming Audio Series™ SP2500 Review — "I won't beat around the bush and make it quite clear, the Corsair speakers are fantastic, and so they should be at $250." and, "The overall experience was quite a surprise when initially installed. Being a headphone user, one picks up on a lot of the various subtleties that can be lost when switching from headphones to speakers. With the SP2500's... not the case, at all. Everything that could be heard with my standard headphones, was completely clear and audible with these speakers. This probably comes down to the bi-amplified satellites with the tweeters on its own channel."   /corsairmedia/sys_master/productcontent/blog_corsair-weekly-review-round-up-3-11-11-Content-4.pngHardware Heaven, Hydro Series™ H60 Review — Overall 9 out of 10 rating — "For performance, the H60 excels for its price point. We get quick installation (yes that is a performance aspect!) and then ultra-low noise levels, significantly lower than the H50. The H60 also performs better than that model as well as the high end air cooler from Tuniq. For those on a stock Intel cooler, the performance increase from moving to the H60 is huge; temperatures will drop by 20°C with a modest overclock which is exceptional."   Madshrimps, Hydro Series™ H60 Review — "Well Corsair has pulled it off again and created a nice looking liquid cooling kit. Performance as expected, is in between the H50 and H70 units. What I like a lot is the new mounting system; Being very practical to use and allows for a perfect TIM contact time after time. With the previous models you had to insert the unit into the pressure ring and slightly twist it, before screwing it down. Sometimes the thermal paste was already a bit messed up before even using the unit. This is no more. Also the versatility of the new bracket for the Intel socket is well executed. No more extra brackets or inserting screw mountings. One bracket fits all."  

  • Obsidian Series 800D case owners can upgrade the SATA 3Gb/s backplane on their hot swap bay to a SATA 6Gb/s compliant backplane using a kit now avaialble on Corsair.com. The kit includes the new SATA 6Gb/s back plane, a power cable, and mounting screws. 800D SATA 6Gb/s Backplane Swapping out the old units ones for the new 6Gb/s backplane is simple and requires only one #2 Phillips or cross head screw driver. A short handled screw driver is useful if you wish to avoid removing your graphics card.   Remove the Power and Data Cables The 3Gb/s backplane actually consists of 4 individual backplanes, each held on by 4 screws. Begin by removing the data cables and the power cables from each. Also, be sure to remove any drives that are installed in the hot swap drive bays.   Remove 4 Screws Remove the 4 screws from each backplane segment   Attach the New Backplane Place the new single backplane over the screw mounts and attach it using 8 screws.   Newly Mounted Obsidian Series 800D SATA 6Gb/s Backplane Reattach the data cables and the single power cable. Your installation is complete and your 800D case can now support SATA 6Gb/s drives using the hot swap bays. The new backplane is also backwards compliant with SATA and SATA 3Gb/s drives.

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