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Creative solution for the flimsy 3" drive bays of the 540 Carbide ?


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So I broke both of the tabs that connect to the drive itself...

If I get new ones they will also break off. Yes yes you can tell me to be careful and pulll from here or pull from there but the fact is, this made of paper plastic.


Do I actually need the tabs to use hard drives in that slot ? I mean, the sides are fine, it is the top flaps that break off easily.

Are they the only thing keeping the drive from falling?

If anyone modded the case in this area please let me know :)

Thanks !

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm laughing hurtfully. I too broke off the top release on the SSD tray in my first Air 540 case. They are very brittle and don't have much material in them. Fixed with some superglue.


A repair tip plug now. Just discovered a wonderful new product that should be in everyone's tool bag. Look in the hardware stores for a product called Johnny Weld. NOT JB Weld. It is used with regular superglue and will weld *ANYTHING* back together. Even polypropylenes and polyethylenes can be glued back together which you cannot do with just superglue because their bond angle is too low. Johnny Weld looks like nothing more than hourglass sand in a bottle. You just pour the product over the superglue and it instantly turns into a cement hard bond. Looks like sand so it isn't the prettiest. But it is damn strong. I glued the handle of my favorite poly thermal coffee mug back on and I have washed it and dropped it over and over and there is no sign of weakness. This product would quickly put the broken tab back onto the SSD drive cage. Just so you know.

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