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Carbide 740 hdd space


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Hi, I'm going to build a new pc and I'm going to buy a 740, but I've seen that it have room only for three 3.5 hdd and I need to put 6 hdd in it.

The question is: is there any way to put an addictional hdd cage in that case?



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It is not exactly the greatest HDD case ever. Some have mentioned some temp problems with sandwiching the three together on the cold half of the case. There won't be any airflow over there if you are doing a lot of file swapping. As for the other three, you might be able to find a similar aftermarket bracket for multiple HDDs and bolt it to the mesh in the back, above (or replacing) the SSD bracket. In theory, you could probably sacrifice the lower fans in the bottom and come up with a flat mounting system for the three across the bottom, similar to the prior 540.


I am not sure of your intended use, but 6 HDDs is quite specific and presumably they are needed. This is not exactly a natural case for that kind of layout and if I did have 6 active HDDs, I would want to heaviest frame possible with some airflow options for the drives. My first thoughts go toward a more traditional 750D or 900D and then on to custom modular cases after that.

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Thanks for your answer, let me explain what the situation is, I'm a 3d artist and those hdd are full of textures and models, so they are not going to swap all the time, I know I could buy some of those desktop hdd boxes, but I allready have 4 of that and love that 740, will buy some other hdd box



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I'm one of those guys who sandwiched 3 HDDs in the 3,5' HD drive cage, and I'm definitely having some temp issues (WD Blacks @ 60 C)


As much as I like this case, it doesn't seem to be suited for many drives unless you add some kind of cooling to the second compartment.


(C-attack, any ideas on that?)

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Here what I' thinking to do, I'll grab an hdd cage from some old case that I've already have ( I've an old Boxx case with a good tools free cage) and stick it in the corsair then I hope to find a system to mount some fan in front of it
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I am wonderfully HDD free these days, so I can't offer much actual use advice. You might look at something like this, with a built in fan. If theory, one could go in the existiing slot and perhaps another above the PSU. Might be a bit heavy for mounting the rear mesh, but you might be able to come with some sort of standoffs to keep an inch or two above the PSU (and its heat). There a multiple versions of that model with minor changes. I am not familiar with enough to discern between them.
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