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Corsair Survivor Stealth body is different colour to the case


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Thanks for the reply.

Given that the corsair website shows it should be black and the only reason for buying the stealth version is for purely cosmetic reasons I think this is a pretty bad idea. Why is there a discrepancy? It looks so bad with the mismatched colours.

I think I'll return it out of principle and get the matching silver version. I honestly thought there was a fault when I opened it up first time.

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  • Corsair Employee
I just checked two of the drives we have here and they are both all black but the original sample I had was silver inside like yours. We can try and replace it under an RMA if you like as it may have been just a mistake on our side.
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If it should actually be black then that sounds like a good option, how would I go about getting it RMA'd? Through the usual Corsair RMA request site?

I know this is a small thing really but if it's a mistake or a fault then I'd like the real thing.

I think Corsair is a solid brand and I have several pieces of Corsair hardware in all of my machines. I actually only purchased this Survivor drive to replace a Voyager that still works, but was recently subject to at least two trips through the washing machine by accident. I'll keep using that drive as long as it keeps working, but the whole episode left me wanting something even more solid!

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