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TX650: Asus Anti-Surge protection reboots the system continously


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All parts are brand new.


Cutting to the chase, here's what I need to know:

1. What could be causing this anti-surge protection issue?

2. How can I diagnose the PSU? Is there a "route" that I can follow to detect common issues?

3. If the problem is within the PSU, will Corsair replace/fix it?


Thank you very much! :)

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1. What could be causing this anti-surge protection issue?
Probably ASUS anti surge! It's been reported here a lot that it shows a fault when there is none.

A few examples...





2. How can I diagnose the PSU? Is there a "route" that I can follow to detect common issues?

What are your three main voltages reading in your BIOS? 12v,5v,3.3v?

3. If the problem is within the PSU, will Corsair replace/fix it?

Yes, they would, However since this comes up pretty often I'm willing to bet there isn't anything wrong with it.

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Thank you very much for your response.


I'll try fixing this anti-surge problem with whatever solution the internet agreed upon, I'll post back if anything goes wrong.

Anyway, today when I tried to boot up my PC, another problem appeared, the PC booted up, but all fans weren't spinning, I checked up the 8-Pin ATX power connector, it was fully plugged-in with no apparent issues whatsoever, but after re-plugging it in the problem was resolved.

Could this problem be related to TX650's cables, or is the issue coming from the motherboard's end?


Thank you again.

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  • Corsair Employee

No, since you're getting the readings from the BIOS. If you're really worried, bust out a DMM and test it on an available (unused) power connector.


And, as peanutz94 pointed out, disabling "power surge" in the BIOS of an Asus board is always the first thing to do when seeing this behavior.

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