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Why are K95 keyboards so low quality?


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A couple of months ago I got myself a K95 keyboard. For the first three months, I loved it. But after a while, I noticed that sometimes when I pressed a key it got repeated for some reason. That's when I learned about key chattering - a problem I have never heard about before because I always used rubber dome keyboards. I instantly went to the store and RMA'd my keyboard. Maybe I was just really unlucky and my previous keyboard was 1 out of 10000. They replaced my K95 keyboard with a shiny new one! Ah, I can finally go back to playing Osu! But after just a couple of days, it started chattering again! What? Are you kidding me? I paid 160 euros for a keyboard that can't handle a couple of days of Osu gameplay? Just how low quality are these keyboards? I mean they look nice but come on, Corsair! If I RMA this keyboard and replace it with a new one and it starts chattering again, I will never buy a Corsair product, ever! This is simply outrageous. Charging so much money for a low quality keyboard is just despicable. And if I lightly touch the Numpad 4 key, it starts spamming it! STEP 👏 YOUR 👏 GAME 👏 UP 👏 CORSAIR! And I did your damn soft reset! It didn't do anything!
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