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Everything posted by iigloo

  1. Ok, can you do me a favour? Can Corsair staff starts to talk to each other? I mean one part says ”it’s normal and within specs” another says ”we have not been aware of this, but please make a ticket” and one gang says ”we are aware of the issue and working hard to solve it” Cheezuz guys…c’mon…
  2. When you run the pump without it attached to anything, it's quiet. When you mount it, hell breaks loose. This is a bad design with horrible vibration issues caused by unbalanced internal components. Just RMA every unit you have and move to another brand. Bad design can't be fixed with a software tweak. You might get less vibration, but the unit is still the same design. Why buy something this expensive and be forced to reduce the performance just to be able to sit in the same room? Like an 700hp engine. Reduce the top rpm and lose 200hp just to get rid of the vibrations, would you buy it?
  3. So it seems like Corsair think their customer are trying to find the noise when it's so loud that it sounds like an defect fan 😂😂😂
  4. I got this reply from Corsair and they state that the noice is completely fine by saying that the product is behaving within specification. So there you go. Wanna have a noisy and expensive AIO with crappy support, choose Corsair. Wanna have a silent AIO that outperform Corsair to a better price and better support, choose something else. " Adam Steinberg (Corsair) Dec 13, 2021, 9:27 PST Dear xxxxxxx, We are aware of the discussions in the forum thread about the firmware modifications and the perception of noise with the cooler. Our latest response is to ask the community for specific examples, and to work together with our technical support team to bring back further sample units to Corsair for detailed analysis. The samples that we have been collecting so far are all behaving within specification. Kind regards, Adam S Director, Customer Experience CORSAIR
  5. Corsairs AIO is not good or premium in any way. The reason they end up good in some tests is because of the fans and they qre easy to switch. Buy a better brand with a premium pump and radiator, then custom it with your choice of fans. Cheaper, more efficient and QUIET
  6. I don’t think i will buy it now because of this matter and the way customers get treated (slow order handling, long respons time, ignoring requests, copy and paste answers etc) I will turn to other companys like Cooler Master who actually take care of their customers as they should. Is this a common thing among US companies because i have similar experience from others (not all)? Sorry if i am a bit outside the topic, but it seems that there is not only an issue with a faulty product. How Corsair is acting is reflecting the status of the actual company. Has Corsair left their glory days when quality was first priority? The price goes up, but the quality goes down.
  7. Thanks for the answer. So how is it going with your tests and investigation regarding the pump?
  8. Still no answer...damn. Cooler Master is responding as son they open their office and reply back several times a day. That means alot regarding customer service. I don´t know if i am going to buy H170i at all now when i see how their customer service and support is. I want more info about the product regarding this issue with the pump. I won´t buy it if the pump is this bad and how am i suppose to know if i don´t get any answer from Corsair? They won´t admit that they have bad products if it comes to that, but if they have an issue regarding one component in a product and they are working on a solution...well, that´s another point. Can we get some answers, Please?
  9. Correction. The ticket exist but is not answered. I need to login to 3 different sites to be able to track my status...
  10. Well, in my profile i have no tickets raised. That's why i said "it's gone". If you know where it is, feel free to pm me about it.
  11. I am about to buy an H170i and find this thread. I raised a pre-sale ticket and asked this: "There is alot of problems documented regarding noises from the pump. You have a year old forum post with 12 pages that is still active with no solutions. The issue is not related to faulty products. It is a designproblem that causes heavy vibrations to the chassi. So how do you deal with this matter? Are you working on a sollution? I am currently looking for a new product and i am interested in H170i, but with all the problems with the pumps in all your series i am hesitating. Please respond to this with an actual answer and not with an "we don't know anything" or "we don't have any issues" or the usual "please create a ticket if you experience any problems with your product". And guess what? The ticket is gone!
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