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  1. Yes my logs seems pretty much the same, but the sad thing about it, is that Corsair knows that there is a problem with AMD CPU's, a X570 Motherboard and the Corsair Commander Core demanding USB-Bus space. Since then nothing happend besides their Support workers trying to figure out how to fix it with extern solutions. But in the end after 2 years theres still no software fix, that helps us JUST using the god damn AiO with our kind of setup... its beyond stupid and if i would have the chance to switch to another brand i would do that immediatly...
  2. Hallo alle zusammen. Ich besitze immer noch die H150i Elite Capellix (ohne LCD Display) und hatte damals das seltsame Problem, dass diese immer wieder die Verbindung verloren hat und wieder zurück gekommen ist. Dabei haben die LED`s geflackert usw usw usw.. ich glaube das Problem kennt mittlerweile jeder der das Thema mit verfolgt. Nun ja ein Jahr ist vergangen und damals hatte mir @Corsair Marcus den Ratschlag gegeben eine PCIe Karte zu installieren, die dann über ein USB 3.0 Port auf 2.0 dem Commander Core für die H50i mit einer USB Schnittstelle versorgt, da andere Lösungen wie NXZT Hub, oder USB 2.0 auf 2.0 Port (Kabel von außen nach innen) nicht funktioniert haben. Das hat alles wunderbar funktioniert über PCIe. Jedoch befürchte ich, dass die Probleme leider wieder zurück sind. In unregelmäßigen Abständen verabschiedet sich der Commander Core, das Licht flackert wieder so schön und im Hintergrund das wunderschöne USB rein USB raus Geräusch. Was hat sich denn nun wieder geändert, mitbekommen hatte ich nur eine neue Version von ICUE mit den neuen Einstellungen für die LED's (vllt da der Fehler)? Naja im großen und ganzen habe ich nun wieder die große Schei**e und verliere meinen Verstand. Vielleicht weiß ja einer weiter. Grüße
  3. The problem is an interaction of the USB controller of the motherboards, the installed chipset and the Commander Core. Most likely, the Commander Core needs a higher bandwidth via the USB bus, which it doesn't get permanently and then frequently disconnects. There are several methods to work around this power problem, these solutions do not guarantee anything. Also for me so far 2 of the 3 solutions did not work. The first workaround would be an internal NZXT hub. This involves running a cable from this hub to the motherboard internal USB 2.0 header and connecting the Commander Core to the NZXT hub. Power is supplied via a SATA cable to the power supply. This worked for some people but in my case it didnt. The second workaround is to buy this Adapter from amazon. You have to plug it into the Back IO of your computer and lay the cable from the outside of your case to the inside. Then u plug the Commander Core into one of the remaining USB 2.0 Headers of the Adapter and the second USB 2.0 Header will be connected to your motherboard. This solution worked fine for 2 weeks or so. But now its not working for me again. I also looked up my whole USB Tree via USBTreeView, with this Tool u can check if any controller of your System is constantly under high load and could cause the USB Bus to be overloaded and shutting down some USB devices. Maybe you could try that tool and see if any USB Controller has too many USB devices plugged into it. The third solution that im using after all workarounds is to buy this PCI Express USB card and one of those cables. Then you just plug the PCIE card into your mainboard, plug the commander core with the cable into the card and Windows gets every driver and also ICUE and other devices should detect the Commander Core. This workaround was provided by @Corsair Marcus . He also had various problems and is testing a lot of workarounds until the solution will be fixed. Corsair is aware of this problem and is propably already reaching out to the Mainboard and CPU distributor, but this process may take up some time. To conclude there are many different workarounds that could may be useful or not. In my case the PICe card as the new USB hub did finally fix the problem and is now working for almost 4 months without any disconnects. I know that this solution does not look pretty at all. But until they can fix it with new updates, this is the solution that worked for me 100%
  4. Thats not true, i fixed it with the PCIe card. Its caused by the USB Controller like I mentioned above Because if this would be a software issue, then everyone would have the same problems. But for some with an Intel CPU this problem does not occur. For some others with AMD it does, so ye. I rather think its caused by the chipset drivers, BIOS and so on. Cheers
  5. As far as i know is that the Corsair Support cant really help you in this case. This problem is a ongoing thing for quite some time now and it is an interaction of the USB controller of the motherboards, the installed chipset and the Commander Core. Most likely, the Commander Core needs a higher bandwidth via the USB bus, which it doesn't get permanently and then frequently disconnects. There are several methods to work around this power problem, these solutions do not guarantee anything. Also for me so far 2 of the 3 solutions did not work. The third one will be tested this weekend. The first workaround would be an internal NZXT hub. This involves running a cable from this hub to the motherboard internal USB 2.0 header and connecting the Commander Core to the NZXT hub. Power is supplied via a SATA cable to the power supply. This worked for some people but in my case it didnt. The second workaround is to buy this Adapter from amazon. You have to plug it into the Back IO of your computer and lay the cable from the outside of your case to the inside. Then u plug the Commander Core into one of the remaining USB 2.0 Headers of the Adapter and the second USB 2.0 Header will be connected to your motherboard. This solution worked fine for 2 weeks or so. But now its not working for me again. I also looked up my whole USB Tree via USBTreeView, with this Tool u can check if any controller of your System is constantly under high load and could cause the USB Bus to be overloaded and shutting down some USB devices. Maybe you could try that tool and see if any USB Controller has too many USB devices plugged into it. The third solution that will be tested this weekend is to buy this PCI Express USB card and one of those cables. Then you just plug the PCIE card into your mainboard, plug the commander core with the cable into the card and Windows gets every driver and also ICUE and other devices should detect the Commander Core. This workaround was provided by @Corsair Marcus lets see how this will work. He also had various problems and is testing a lot of workarounds until the solution will be fixed. Corsair is aware of this problem and is propably already reaching out to the Mainboard and CPU distributor, but this process may take up some time. If your interesting in trying one or two of these solutions, let me know if any of those worked for you Cheers Hänsele
  6. To be honest, i installed an USB A to 9 Pin Hub and the problem still occurs, this cant be a power problem or software issue anymore, it has to do something with the hardware inside... i just dont know anymore. I randomly get USB Disconnect Sounds the RGB starts flashing once and the H150i disappears and reappears in ICUE. @Corsair Notepad This is my system (does anyone else have similar components?): Lian Li PC-O11 Dynamix AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (8x 3.8GHz / 4.7GHz Turbo) Corsair H150i Elite Capellix MSI MPG X570 Gaming Pro Carbon 32GB (2x16GB) GSkill DDR4 3600MHz Trident Z NEO 1TB Corsair MP400 M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVME (L 3480MB/s ; S1880MB/s) 3TB SATA 6GB/s 5400rpm WD Blue WD30EZAZ 8GB Gigabyte RTX3070 AORUS MASTER 750W be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 3x Corsair ML Series ML120 RGB, 120mm I tried the NZXT Hub and the USB A to 9 Pin Mobo Hub and nothing works. Does anyone else got some help? Was there a similar hardware issue ever? When I had the NZXT Hub i got disconnects like 10-15 min after starting the system, and after 20-30 disconnects it stopped and the system worked fine until i restart the next day With the USB A to 9 Pin Hub I can use the system just fine, but when i start playing games or have more demanding work to do on the pc, it starts again. Yesterday after some hours of work i started up my game and then it started. Today i used it for 1,5h and then it suddenly started while gaming. I just dont know anymore. It seems like im just lost trying to fix the issue. Also the ICUE logs cant help me to investigate further fixes. I randomly get the 1167 Error Code (Disconnect) and then it reconnects again and as soon as it disconnects once the nightmare begins.
  7. So in my case, the Disconnecting sound is propably caused by the Commander Core of the H150i Elite Capellix. When I hear the disconnecting sound and reconnecting sound, then my RGB of the AiO goes off, then goes on again and the AiO disappears and reappears in ICUE. If thats not whats happening in your case, then we propably dont have the exact same issue I guess. But thank you anyway. I keep you guys updated, I just ordered a USB A to 9 Pin hub to replace instead of the USB 2.0 internal Hub from NZXT, because the NZXT Hub does not solve the issue. When I start my PC i got no problems for like 10 min or so and then my Commander Core just goes crazy. Neither Corsair nor MSI itself could help me ^^.
  8. Do you only have those disconnects on startup, or also when ur gaming? Because in my case, i get like 20-30 disconnects in the first 30min of the usage of my system and then it suddenly stops, till i start up the system the next day again... I already installed an internal USB Hub from NZXT, but in my case it did not solve the issue. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (8x 3.8GHz / 4.7GHz Turbo) Corsair H150i Elite Capellix MSI MPG X570 Gaming Pro Carbon 32GB (2x16GB) GSkill DDR4 3600MHz Trident Z NEO I got all the latest drivers for BIOS, the chipset and so on.. im tired of this, the last idea, that someone mentioned was to buy an USB 2.0 A to 9 pin Hub, like this one (Adapter), but that requires wiring from the outside of your case to the inside, Most of the Corsair specialist state, that this issue is a power related issue only and can be fixed with a solid power connection.. But i dont know, I hope someday we will be released from this nightmare
  9. @S7even @Bluebeard Hey, ich bin mir jetzt nicht sicher, ob du die Corsair Forum Seite noch nutzt, da dein Beitrag bereits eine Weile her ist, jedoch wollte ich dich bezüglich deinem Setup mal eine Kleinigkeit fragen. Ich besitze ein ziemlich ähnliches System, auch das MSI MPG X570 Gaming Pro Carbon, als auch eine H150i Elite Capellix. Bei mir ist es nur so, dass ich mit der Wasserkühlung seit Monaten nur Probleme habe, da sie andauernd die USB-Verbindung verliert, dabei gehen die RGB's kurz aus und dann wieder an, sie verschwindet kurz aus ICUE und ist dann wieder da, als auch der USB-Sound ist vernehmbar, was einfach total nervig und lästig ist. Nach ca. 20-30 Disconnects oder mehr, legt sich das Problem wieder und wenn der Rechner an bleibt, kommt das Problem bis ich den PC abends ausmache fern. Kommt dann jedoch pünktlich nach ein paar Minuten nach Systemstart am nächsten Morgen wieder. Da ich das Problem natürlich beseitigen wollte hab ich mich also schlau gemacht, BIOS, Chipset und alle möglichen Treiber installiert. Konfliktsoftware deinstalliert. Die Energieoptionen angepasst und und und.. Alles hat nichts gebracht, bis ich dann eines Tages den Tipp für einen internen USB Hub von NZXT bekommen habe, habe diesen installiert und für 1,5 Wochen war das Problem auch verschwunden, bis es dann eines Tages wieder anfing. Nun meine Frage an dich, hattest du ähnliche Probleme mit deinem System? Es ist im Prinzip bei mir immer der Commander Core der die Verbindung verliert. Wenn ja, wie hast du das Problem behoben? Ansonsten auch gerne einmal die Frage in die Community, habt ihr eventuell ein ähnliches System und eventuell auch ein solches Problem, dass der Commander Core der H150i ständig disconnected und reconnected? System Specs: Lian Li Gehäuse PC-O11 Dynamix AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (8x 3.8GHz / 4.7GHz Turbo) Corsair H150i Elite Capellix schwarz MSI MPG X570 Gaming Pro Carbon WiFi (inkl Wlan + BT) 32GB (2x16GB) GSkill DDR4 3600MHz Trident Z NEO 1TB Corsair MP400 M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVME (L 3480MB/s ; S1880MB/s) 3TB SATA 6GB/s 5400rpm WD Blue WD30EZAZ 8GB Gigabyte RTX3070 AORUS MASTER 750W be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 3x Corsair ML Series ML120 RGB, 120mm, 3er-Pack Zu erwähnen sei noch, dass die 3 Corsair ML Lüfter mithilfe eines Lightning Node verbunden sind und keinerlei Probleme verursachen Grüße
  10. So i tried to fix it with an internal Hub from NZXT, this worked fine for 1,5 weeks until 3 days ago the disconnects did start again. To be honest, im at the point where i just cant think of any other solution then replacing the Commander Core. Maybe it has loose contact or so. I also updated to the recent BIOS version. To conclude: I installed the Hub and used it without any problems for 1.5 weeks, then i installed my other RGB software again, for my GPU and Motherboard and one day later the disconnects happened again. So i deinstalled the RGB software again and deinstalled and reinstalled ICUE aswell. And the disconnects still happen. Sometimes even worse than before the NTXT Hub.
  11. Im still having disconnects. It only helped for a couple of days, now they are coming back, i have no clue what the problem could be. Maybe my Commander Core just has loose contact or so. I also updated my BIOS to the recent version,
  12. Well, it worked fine for 1 week and some days and guess what, it came back. So that wasnt the solution to fix the nightmare and im lost once again. Now the disconnects use to happen 5 times every min, so the system is not usable for me. PLEASE provide us with any help
  13. So I finally solved the problem, at least I hope so. After I installed the internal USB 2.0 hub, I haven't had any problems with disconnects. I have opened several other posts besides this one and I was helped by Corsair Support from Germany, who themselves had the same problem with several AMD systems. I will now summarize the whole thing again and try to help the others who suffer from this problem. The problem with the constant disconnects of the water cooling under AMD systems exists for quite a while, but this is always in connection with the following boards (X570 / X470). The problem is much broader than Corsair alone could solve, because Corsair, as well as the motherboard manufacturers, as well as the chip manufacturers (AMD) would have to cooperate. Because the problem is caused by the "too weak" connection strength of the USB 2.0 headers to which the hubs are connected. Thus, there are the following workarounds: - Install an internal USB 2.0 hub. I can warmly recommend the NZXT hub (NZXT Hub), the installation is super easy and for me it has eliminated the problem. If the hub does not solve the problem, you can still resort to a more unsightly and impractical solution. However, this requires a cable outside the computer into the computer. Here you could buy such an adapter Adapter . I hope i can help someone with this solution. And actually, I have to take Corsair's side a bit in this case, since the effort to fix the error is more far-reaching than I would like to imagine. Cheers
  14. @Corsair Notepad I am about to give up, I already wrote to your support 3 weeks ago asking for help. After several days of email traffic they sent me a few suggested solutions. However, all without success. Today I receive the email that even in the logs no further problems are to be recognized and even the support cannot help me. What the hell should I do to finally be able to use my computer in peace?
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