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About ghcannon

  • Birthday 10/27/1989

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  1. Not true. My K100Air disconnect as well, though it does it quite rarely. But it is, of course super annoying. Actually corsair just bricked it which is a completely different issue that I made a post about.
  2. What the hell is going on in this company? How can this be real? How incompetent can this get?! After I returned two Sabre mice for disconnecting while running on slipstream and after my Virtuoso was ruined by a firmware update, now my K100Air just stopped working and started flashing telling me I had to perform a "Mandatory OPTIMIZATION Update". Is this some kind of joke? Bricking my keyboard for an optimization update? Nobody does that. It's either a lie for a serious security vulnerabiliy patch or somebody decided to purposefully make our lives hell for something that isn't really needed. Okay, okay, so I'll just update the firmware of the keyboard, right? No big deal and certainly no reason for me to scream here like a little child in frustration, right? Wrong. They keyboard will not update, telling me this complete BS: Are you sure something's wrong with my internet? I've got no VPNs or anything like that and my connection to everything else is fine. Of course the issue lies with Corsair and their infrastructure - that is obvious. And yes, I did install the latest ICue 5 garbage that got released a couple days ago after they pulled the previous one down after their royal screw up with rewriting SPD values. And yes, I did try many USB ports a probably 10 other things in the hopes this crap works. But it doesn't. Because there's nothing wrong on my side besides giving my money to this sham. What do I do now? I am thinking of returning it and just getting my money back. Does anybody else have this issue? Who the hell is in charge of the software department and can somebody please just fire them?! Absolutely unacceptable. I expect this from a chinese trash company. I was a massive corsair fan just 1 month ago. Since then I've spent many hours trying to get their trash to work and have returned many items.
  3. Uuuuuh wait wut? My PC failed to boot it's memory config when I upgraded iCUE a few days back and I thought my XMP setup just randomly needed more voltage (after working perfectly for a long time). Resetting everything (cuz my BIOS profiles were wiped for some reason) took a day. Thanks Corsair! Knew I can count on you guys to %$#! things up again. My Virtuoso is broken with new firmware, my Sabre Pro is returned cuz your new firmware broke it and my K100 Air's battery charge lasts less than my phone. Absolutley spectacular display of garbage-ness. I was actually a fan until now which is why I've spent couple grand on your products over the years. But that will now change.
  4. I charged my brand new K100 Air to max battery on the 9th of May. It is now the 14th of May and the keyboard battery status is at low. I've used the keyboard for no more than 6 hours every day to play games or watch movies. They keyboard is connected to slipstream dongle that is 1.5m away and both the keyboard and dongle are set to 1000hz polling rate The keyboard does NOT have RGB enabled - I turned that $hit off as soon as I got it. The keyboard has sleep mode enabled and set at 15 minutes. I do not manually turn offthe keyboard every time I walk away from the PC or go to bed and leave the PC for a long period of time. The advertised battery life is 200h for that keyboard without RGB whe using the dongle, yet after 30 hours of actual use the battery is shot. Am I doing something wrong? Is sleep mode activating if the PC is shut off? Is the keyboard defective? Is Corsair lying about battery life? Any opinions?
  5. Yes I've also contacted support. All I need is an old firmware version and, so far that's taking more than a week and a half. I also returned my new Corsair Sabre RGB Pro mouse because, you guessed it, the latest firmware makes the mouse freeze and disconnect all the time rendering it inoperable. My new K100 Air keyboard seems to last on battery 5 times less than advertised too. Seriously - Corsair has become a pretty trash company
  6. Yep, I just got a buddy of mine's identical headset with the very first firmware version and none of the problems are present. I am absolutely stunned how an initial firmware version can perform flawlessly compared to the latest revision that is literally years ahead. Additionally, his old Dongle firmware allows it to run at 2000Hz polling rate while my firmware downgrades the dongle to 800ms. Which is a problem also explained here -> And which doesn't have a reply or a solution. Absolutely unacceprable. I guess I will contact support and ask them to give me an image of the old firmwares so I can reflash with them again. What a joke.
  7. I made the mistake of upgrading my iCUE and firmware of my Virtuoso SE. Since then I have the following issues that I did not have before (the headset is only used in wireless mode) 1. Random sound distortion when running wireless. They appear out of nowhere and get resolved by a computer restart. 2. Headset audio interrupting for half a second at random intervals when I am in the other room (4 meters away, 10 cm plywood wall) 3. Windows does not automatically switch to Speakers or Headset when I turn the headset on/off Neither of those things were an issue before. I don't know if iCUE itself could cause those issues or if it was the firmware. I'd lean on it being the firmware. I saw there is an option in iCUE to select a custom firmware file with which to flash devices. Is there an archive of all firmware please? I'd like to reflash it with the old firmware. I didnt need to update - I just caved in to iCUE's incessant and annoying requests to update. This headset is now basically not what I bought and certainly not woth the money I paid for it. I am considering just offloading it on somebody else and then let them hate this company too...
  8. Okay I am super pissed off. Today I gave in to iCue's incessant request to update my virtuoso and I deeply regret it. My Windows 10 no longer switches automatically from Speakers to Headphones when i turn out the headset. Or the other way around if I turn it off. I am a big corsair fan - today I bought the K100 air + Sabre wireless mouse and I own several other Corsair product. However unless this gets resolved at some point I will be reconsidering purchasing another corsair product. And I will surely never update firmware of anything Corsair-related ever again. Can anybody get us some attention please?
  9. Well, I thought this headset thew every trick it could at me but I was wrong. As I switched to speakers from wireless mode while playing Pillars Of Eternity 2, the headset refused to turn its side LEDs down. I had to go to bed so I just plugged it to charge and decided to investigate the next day. Now, the headset still has its side LEDs on and is completely unresponsive. It behaves exactly like a headset with 0% battery except that the LEDs are constantly on so it definitely has battery. Nothing I do makes absolutely any difference in anything whatsoever. ICue does not recognize it and nether does Windows. I tried connecting it to everything and in every way and have zero success. I upgraded the firmware a few days ago and that went perfectly fine. So what happened now .. Clearly the firmware has crashed terribly with 0% chance of recovery. Why can't I hard-reset the thing? Perhaps using the button of the microphone? Nobody thought of that. So it seems the only thing I can do is wait that for the battery to be drained by the side LEDs? I don't want to think how long that might take. In the meantime I have no headset, naturally. And even then I can't be 100% sure that it will work afterwards. Between this and the problems like the volume going up and down constantly I am considering sending this back for a new unity or another brand. And a shame too, since the headset is of good build. Too bad the software team aren't pulling their weight for one reason or another... Thoughts, condolences .. ? This has been out for a while now, guys ... it's not "bleeding edge" anymore .. cmon .. /Vlad
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