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Everything posted by Kir4

  1. Kir4

    LL120 RGB dead

    Nothing, everything stays dark :(: Edit. My GF has the same case. We tried her hub - everything works. New Hub it is then. Sorry for wasting your time.
  2. Kir4

    LL120 RGB dead

    Hey here. I have a Corsair 680X Case. Was working fine until today. Now the 3 Front Fans are not lighting up anymore. Lightning Node Pro is still present in iCue so I guess it's still fine. So either the RGB Hub or one of the Fans is dead RGB wise (they are still spinning) Any Ideas what to do? The Case is new. Edit: When I replug the Fans @ the RGB Hub it works for a few minutes but after that everything is dead again. RGB Hub broken?
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