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0011.03 7000X 2x XR5 420 Airflow Diagram


The airflow diagram for the first build in the 7000X.

Yes, it is very heavy on positive pressure - everything is intake except for the rear fan. I have 3 dogs, 2 cats and a kid in the house so dust and fur are issues. Keeping the intake filtered helps minimize the mess in the PC. Negative pressure does tend to cool better, especially the components that aren't under a block but it's not a silver bullet. With the tempered glass panels, exhausting the radiators at top or front would pose some issues - the glass acts as a barrier and holds the warm air in. While there may be less airflow than with the airflow panels, tempered glass doesn't have this issue with intake.

I am curious to see what kind of difference there is between the glass panels and the airflow panels.

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