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600T HDD cage mod?


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I just got a new fan to replace the stock fan that came with my 600T due to my going for a blue themed build. However, its getting some clearance issues drive cages, more specifically some round things on the side. Will it be allright to drill them off?


Also, I noticed my one of my drive cages are at a bit of a weird angle. Will the cause any issues?


A bit of an offtopic question- My SATA cables are a bit too far away from where I want one of them to be and I don't want to add another cable. Is doing something like this safe and will it void my warranty? [ame]



Thanks to all those who answer! :)



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Any modding of your case would void the warranty. But then again replacement cages are only like 10 bucks. So it really isn't a big deal.

Also, I noticed my one of my drive cages are at a bit of a weird angle. Will the cause any issues?

No, just gently bend it back the other direction.

A bit of an offtopic question- My SATA cables are a bit too far away from where I want one of them to be and I don't want to add another cable. Is doing something like this safe and will it void my warranty?

You mean with some sort of coupling to tie two cables together.?It's not the best thing in the world to do, but it wont void your warranty.

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However, its getting some clearance issues drive cages, more specifically some round things on the side. Will it be allright to drill them off?


If it's only a mm or two, what I would do is mark on the fan where that rounded edge of the hard drive cage hits.


Then use a rat's tail file on the fan frame and file away a small groove so it clears the drive cage.

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