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Corsair Accelerator Series SSD

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I have some questions about the Accelerator SSD's


1. I have my OS(W764-bit) on an OCZ Vertex Plus Optimized Edition 120GB SSD, how much of an improvement could I expect(rough estimate) by using an Accelerator SSD for my boot drive?


2. If I'm using an Accelerator SSD to enhance my boot drive, could I install another Accelerator SSD to enhance another drive?


3. Can this SSD be used to enhance a RAID 0 array?



The reason I ask about the RAID 0 usage is because I will have my games installed on a RAID 0 array with 2 1TB Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm drives (I'm just waiting on my new drive to arrive) and I thought this would be a pretty cool addition to my PC. I'm not too interested in having super read/write times, I'm doing this more for s**** and giggles as this the computer I have is the first one I've ever built and I want to experiment with different things like water cooling, RAID, SLI, Overclocking etc. When they arrive I'll be adding another 660Ti, another 8GB of Dominator Platinum RAM, a H100i, the second 1TB HD, and a Creative Soundblaster XF-i Titanium.





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1. I don't think you can cache a SSD drive. You won't see much of an improvement as the boot drive is already a SSD drive or it won't even work. Its good for mechanical HDs as the speed difference should be noticeable.

2. No, you can only use one Accelerator drive in one computer.

3. No, the software does not support RAID-0 setups.


This should help


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1. I don't think you can cache a SSD drive. You won't see much of an improvement as the boot drive is already a SSD drive or it won't even work. Its good for mechanical HDs as the speed difference should be noticeable.

2. No, you can only use one Accelerator drive in one computer.

3. No, the software does not support RAID-0 setups.


This should help



1 & 2 correct


3 not so , you can use Dataplex to cache an existing raid array ( ie the ssd as the cache and your raid array as the target ) but it must be less than 2tb , seeing as your using 2 1tb's in a raid 0 stripe you would be fine . However note that this product is probably EOL now and not much support from Nvelo since they were bought out by Samsung .

Also worth noting that if you go down this route the speed is a lot better but best have a clone of your drive handy as if it does go wrong it does so pretty badly ! , i've used a sata 3 version of this for ~ 18 months but will be replacing it with a pair of 1tb ssd's in my new build later this year once all the latest chipset / gpu announcements are sorted .

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