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SP120 PWM Quiet vs. Performance?


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  • Corsair Employee
The only difference between the two are the default RPM of the fans. The performance edition is at a higher speed (2350) than the quiet edition. If you are controlling the fans with voltage the quiet edition will have lower RPM's at 7 volts than the performance editions. If you are controlling the fans with an H100i the performance fans will go down to about 700 RPM. They will not go to the 500 - 600 range.
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Thanks Cool Guy I had been trying to find the operating range for the PWM SP's, so the quiet will run from ~500-1450 and the performance ~700-2350 when using PWM control such as the Corsair Link cooling node.


Seeing as they both have the same blades would it be fair to say both the performance and quiet edition will have the same pressure, air flow and noise level at any given RPM? The only difference being the quiet can go a little bit slower and the performance can go a lot faster.

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Thanks Cool Guy I had been trying to find the operating range for the PWM SP's, so the quiet will run from ~500-1450 and the performance ~700-2350 when using PWM control such as the Corsair Link cooling node.


Seeing as they both have the same blades would it be fair to say both the performance and quiet edition will have the same pressure, air flow and noise level at any given RPM? The only difference being the quiet can go a little bit slower and the performance can go a lot faster.


Where were you able to find the ranges you mention here? Based off what Cool Guy answered I would think that they have the same minimum speeds when controlled by PWM. Maybe I don't understand PWM correctly but it seems that the real difference is only seen when controlled by voltage regulators. Following this thought, wouldn't that mean that the maximums will also be the same if the controlled by PWM?

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