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H70 my CPU is too hot I5 750


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I have an Intel I5 750 cpu that idles at 35-37c at stock clock with the Corsair H70 running the fans on low rpm 1200. I tried overclocked it too 3.9ghz and the idle temp is 50-52. Is this to hot or is it normal?

I did take the cooler of and re aplyed it but it did not help. dont know what to do please help. Could there be something wrong with the cooler itself?

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I used alcohol to clean it, then I used artic silver when I put it on again. Not too much thermal paste just as much as the size of a ricegrain... My cpu voltage is 1.3 so its not that high.


This is very strange also tried to switch the pump to another motherboard fan output, cause I thought it mabye got to little power but that did not help either. The only thing I havent done now is taken the motherboard out of the case and tried to see if the screws on the H70 (or whats its called Im from Norway) is sitting correctly on the backplate. Which is a H*** of a job. Especaly in regards of the cable managment which i spent several houers doing :(


Another thing I noticed just now is when I was gaming Starcraft 2 the temp only went up 5-10 degrees. That its not so much i would think...

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i dont think you put it on correctly..



never spread the compound on an i7/5/3 read the proper instructions linked above and allow 200 hours before expecting AS5 to do its proper job.


there are 168 hours in a week so report back in 10 days when the AS5 has been applied properly and allowed to cure.



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Fu** seems like I have to take it off and reaply then. I used my finger to rub it out (mabye not that smart?) But I have only used my pc for 20 hours whith the AS5. Do you think this issue could be the termal paste? It was 2-3 degrees cooler whith the stock termal paste.
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Finger is greasy which is really bad for thermal solutions as the grease and other foreign contaminants will form bubbles of air and other gas which will drive your temps up.


I'd also advise you to go to BIOS and check out your CPU core voltage.. I don't know how I5 7xx's do it but on the 9xx line, most of the Auto voltages are way higher than what the cpu requires to run stable.

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Finger is greasy which is really bad for thermal solutions as the grease and other foreign contaminants will form bubbles of air and other gas which will drive your temps up.


I'd also advise you to go to BIOS and check out your CPU core voltage.. I don't know how I5 7xx's do it but on the 9xx line, most of the Auto voltages are way higher than what the cpu requires to run stable.


Yes I was reading the Artic Silver guide and I found out that it was one of the worst thing i could do. But the strange thing was that the stock paste (or grease) kept the H70 only a couple degrees cooler.


Mabye i could run the fans in 2000rpm mode but its way too noisy mabye I should buy some new ones. They are only running 1200rpm ATM. As for the voltage I did not think 1.3V was too high. What should I set the voltage too, for a stable 3.9ghz overclock?


But is realy 50 degrees to high? My old Intel stock cooler was 52-54 degrees at stock clock and 80-85 on hard gaming. With my H70 I only get 60-65...

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Okay, I can try that guide. But I find it strange that 50idle 60-70degrees under load is too much. Think of all the stock coolers who sits on various CPUs around the World that mabye is not 100% correctly mounted, that last for years. And I never have my CPU more than 2-3 years anyway.
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