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Corair XMS2 CL5-5-5-18 - experiencing bluescreens


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I have upgraded my four years old pc with two new ddr rams. Now I unfortunatly experiencing blue screens with error in memory management.


I thing that I have not the correct configuration for my ram on my mainboard.

What I didn't know is p.e. how high have the to be the voltage for this memory.


Unfortunatly I couldn't boot a cdrom because I don't have a cdrom-drive. So unfortunatly I couldn't start memtest.


Can you give me advices about the configuration and my error?






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hey wired, yes i ran memtest several passes and it didnt show up any errors at all. there seems to be so many of these kits going wrong lately, what do you think it may be? bad batches or maybe theyre just a bit picky? i might just have to get a refund for them i think, apart from you i havnt had any advice at all. bit dissapointed really as i was under the impression that corsair was rock solid. thanks for all your help though pal. Rob.
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Neither. It's a very common part, and this is a support forum, so you're bound to see people posting with issues. What voltage did you set the memory to? The proper voltage will be listed on the label of the memory.


As for support, keep in mind that they're not open on the weekends, and I'm not sure if they were open today (federal holiday). Ram Guy may have just been posting from home.

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There is an error in John Doe´s settings. In CPU-Z the speed is listed as 200 (= 400 DDR2) which is half speed. So he needs to go into the bios and set the speed to 800 (and to be sure also the correct timings 5 5 5 18 and voltage). If you have problems always set the speed in the bios, it may seem difficult but it is dead easy if you take your time.
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