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Radiator fan really pull hot air in from GTX 580 exhaust?


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I can't see how the recomended pulling in air is a good idea, since my GTX 580 video card exhausts burning hot air an inch under the radiator fans intake. Hot air travel up and you would be pulling hot air into the case! I think you definately need to blow the air from the case thru the radiator and out the back in this situation. I have an Antec 900 case, so I do have a window fan blowing in and the huge top blowout fan, so I would think my internal temperature would be much lower than the air an inch or two above the GTX 580 exhaust! Any comments or help would be appreciated.
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This has always been my concernt also, having the H50/70 as intake and depending on the video cards you use ( SLI/Crossfire would be the worst ) you'd be sucking in all the hot air and dust.


I use the H70 as an exhaust as I have a Thermaltake Spedo Advance chassis with 2x Icages ( Rackmount with 120MM intake fan @ 2000RPM ) which both do intake at the bottom and top front of the case, the air reaching the H70 is nice and cool.

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