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Dominator 6gb 2000mhz 8-9-8-24 will it run?


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Dear All,


This is my first time posting in this forum so please be nice ;):


My question is as follows. Im in a bit of a hassle about two sets offered by your company. The xms3 6gb set tested at 9-9-9-24 2000mhz and the dominator 6gb set tested at 8-9-8-24 2000mhz. Looking at those speeds and timings I dont see a very big difference. So performancewise the dominators are just a tad better except in extreme overclocking where the fan could provide extra cooling capacity. Am I correct? When I want to run them at the tested speeds with a i7 920 d0 stepping @ around 4ghz with a 211 baseclock will that be a problem for either of the sets or will they both run perfectly fine?


The reason why I ask this is that there are a few threads with people trying to hit the desired clock. I heard that this had something to do with the uncore voltage/frequency of the chip. I already have some experience with my i7 as I have it for about 1,5 year now. Its running fine except the temps are a bit high (in the 80's with prime95) during normal use it never exceeds 60 though.


The short version


When I want to use one of these sets of sticks at there full potential will I need some extra cooling or is a 4ghz cpu more then enough for these guys. My mobo is a standard p6t and it is cooled rather good so I dont think that will be a bottleneck. Also has a 8+2 phase power design if that matters.


Sorry if there are some grammar failures its not my native language.


PS: Your page for choosing compatible ram for each motherboard 404's over here tried with a us proxy but that didnt help either.

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Dear Mods,


Could you please step on it I see a few people on the forum having trouble with these sets. So I need to know if these will run correctly with these speeds or else I will need to return them or have buyers remorse and stuff. I wanna order them quickly. Lately im running 2gb because one stick burned and the other was just faulty :D: I wanna order it quickly sorry for being so selfish but some other people have trouble too so I think it is allowed to ask atm.


Btw thank you for the response I see both are compatible with my mobo so that won't be a problem.


Thanks in advance,

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