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TWIN2X4096-8500C5D v1.1 voltage question


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........................XMS850X v1.1...PSC.C-Die.......128MX8

........................XMS850X v1.2...PSC.F-Die.......128MX8

........................XMS850X v2.1...Micron.E-DIE...128MX8

........................XMS850X v2.2...Micron.G-DIE...128MX8

........................XMS850X v3.1...Elpida.C-Die....128MX8

........................XMS850X v3.2...Elpida.F-Die....128MX8


Testing parameters for Twinx/XMS2-8500/C5D:

Twin2x2048-8500C5D Data Sheet

Twin2x4096-8500C5DF Data Sheet

Memory Voltage 2.2 Volts Version 1.x and 2.15 Volts for version 2.x.

Motherboard make and model: Asus P5B or M2N32-SLI Premium/Deluxe Only!

Each pair is tested and packaged together using the following settings:

AI Over Clock Tuner: Manual

OC Operation: Disabled

NOS Operation: Disabled

CPU External Frequency: Manually set to 268 MHz

PCI CLK1: Auto

PCI CLK2: Auto

DDR2 Voltage control: 2.20V Ver 1.x (2.1 Volts for 2.X)

CPU Core Voltage: Auto

CPU Multiplier: 10

DDR2 SDRAM Clock: Manually set to 800MHz

DRAM Timing Selectable: Manual

SDRAM CAS Latency: 5T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 5T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 5T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 15T

SDRAM Write Recovery Time: 5

1T/2T: 2T

A1 Clock Skew: Auto

ADVANCED Voltage Control:

CPU Vcore offset:-Disabled

DDR2 Termination:-0.5X

CPU to NB HT:_____1.200V

NB to SB HT:______Auto

NB Core/PCI-E:____Auto

SB Core/PCI-E:____Auto

SB Standby core:__+1.500V

All other settings are motherboard defaults.

Maximum DDR2 recommended VDIMM: 2.2 Volts for Rev 1.x and 2.1 Volts for Ver. 2.X


Hello there,


I've checked the links above, but unsure at what conclusion to get.


I have this kit "TWIN2X4096-8500C5D", and on each DIMM it says "CM2X2048-8500C5D" v1.1 2.10V.


What is the correct max voltage, is it 2.1 or 2.20?


I ask this because, the ram seems unstable when computer is under high stress (such as oced cpu/northbridge)...perhaps the ram isn't getting the "proper" voltage?


Please Help.

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