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Buying RAM, CMT/CMG, BEMP???


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Hello, I am new to this forum and i have some questions about some products and their specs, etc..

I am from germany, so sorry about my possibly miserable english O.o, hope it's understandable...


First, the matter, I wan't to buy a new computer with an AMD CPU, so i'am a little curious whats the meaning of CMT and CMG, at the beginning of the product serial, in relation to BEMP. The Motherboard will be an ASUS Crosshair Formula and the CPU an AMD Phenom II X4 970 unless AMD releases a hexcore with 3,5ghz...


I want to buy 2x2GB Kit of Memory, PC3-12800 with a Latency of 7-7-7-20 or lower, maybe the same again later.

As far as I understand the labels, CMT means Dominator GT DHX Pro, CMD means Dominator GT and BEMP stands for Black Edition Memory Profile which is symbolized by the B before the clock speed. So difference between CMD and CMT is the DHX Pro, which is the extra port for Airflow Pro, right?


The choice is between:

CMT4GX3M2A1600C6 - 210€(XMP)

CMT4GX3M2A1600C7 - 134€(XMP)

CMG4GX3M2A1600C7 - 155€(XMP) and

CMG4GX3M2B1600C7 - 193€(BEMP)


For me, this is four times the same memory with different specials and a irrational pricing in my opinion and I can't see any difference for some one who will overclock himself, except the price range of 80€ between all products, resp. 60€ between the almost even products and the Airflow Pro Port, which won't be used anyway, until there is something in need of 8GB RAM.


So now my questions:


1. Why are the CMG mems more expensive, when they have less features than CMT?(maybe this one is just the case in germany or did I get something wrong? O.o)


2. Is there in any way some physical or functional difference between CMD and CMT mems., besides Airflow Pro Port?


3. Why isn't there a CMT or a C6 with BEMP and why do the Mems with BEMP cost much more than the ones with XMP, when delivering the same performance theoretically?


4. Has BEMP some usefull advantages for somebody who know to OC himself and am I forced to use BEMP when its implemented?


5. Will memory with XMP work correctly and with unrestricted options attached to an AMD Board? (excluding the BEMP functions naturally)


6. How does this BEMP/XMP gimmik work, is there an aditional chip attached to the mem.?, I can't explain myself why this will cost this much more for AMD than for Intel, when I think about how ridiculous expensive an Intel CPU is.

(I know a little about hardware, in my opinion there is the same chip on both rams with a different programming, but this didn't explain the price.)


and finally, 7. which RAM should I buy after all, CL6 just brings 5% more speed against CL7 but costs 80€ more (nearly crazy O.o) so the CL7 with XMP sounds good(but will this work?), or should I buy RAM without Airflow Pro Port and better buy the one with BEMP, even if its more expensive and maybe useless for me?


I hope this isn't too much questioning for one post, I cound`t find some satisfying information using forumsearch and corsair doesn't even list all of their own products, so too little information for me, sorry if I'm just blind...

One thing is for sure, Corsair realy realy has to update its productportfolio with some feature-descriptions linked. A overview is pointless when its just the half...


Thanks in advance,


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whats the meaning of CMT and CMG, at the beginning of the product serial, in relation to BEMP.
FAQ Area:

NEW Memory Part Number Breakdown


No, B does not mean BEMP. Its meaning has never been publicly stated.



1/3. Prices change constantly due to constantly changing IC / silicon prices.


2. See link above.



4. Has BEMP some usefull advantages for somebody who know to OC himself and am I forced to use BEMP when its implemented?
No, and if you implement it, then you're using it. However just because a memory stick is BEMP capable doesn't mean you have to use it. You can always set the BIOS up manually.


5. Will memory with XMP work correctly and with unrestricted options attached to an AMD Board? (excluding the BEMP functions naturally)
Yes and no. AMD systems won't use XMP of course, but like above, you'd just set the BIOS manually. Keep in mind there's no guarantee it would work, but that's what the Compatibility site and the Corsair main site is for, to tell you what's compatible.


6. How does this BEMP/XMP gimmik work, is there an aditional chip attached to the mem.?, I can't explain myself why this will cost this much more for AMD than for Intel, when I think about how ridiculous expensive an Intel CPU is.
Again, price has nothing to do with BEMP/XMP, as they're just settings in the SPD.



7. Totally up to you. Use the Corsair Compatibility Site.



I hope this isn't too much questioning for one post, I cound`t find some satisfying information using forumsearch and corsair doesn't even list all of their own products, so too little information for me, sorry if I'm just blind...

One thing is for sure, Corsair realy realy has to update its productportfolio with some feature-descriptions linked. A overview is pointless when its just the half...

Pretty much all of this is either in FAQs or in the forum, but with 10 years of posts, it's a lot to go through for anyone. Yes, their website needs updating, but I'm sure it's being worked on.
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thanks, realy, just what I needed. The linked thread was one thing I searched for :D .

The price-performance ratio wasn't logical for me, but after all there is much less behind than I thought, price fluctuations^^.

I think I will test the CMT4GX3M2A1600C7 - 134€(XMP), these aren't part of the compatibility site, but if they don't work I can send them back.

At any rate, I'm confident now, that the RAM will do what I want and I'am happy someone understood what I want, even with my "dusty" english :D .


I never used some automatik, especially when overclocking, so I won't start with this, thats some point where I rather trust my own knowledge or leave it...

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