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Tip of memory which should I buy?


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Hello! I have motherboard Asus Maximus Extreme III, and I was going and new memories!

Because the ones I have, has very high volt up to 1.8V

The motherboard has the chipset P55 and I stand between two memories, first is: CMD8GX3M4A1600C8 8GB Kit (4 x 2GB) 8-8-8-24 240pin DIMM Dominator

and the second is:

CMG4GX3M2A2000C8 4GB Kit (2 x 2GB) 8-8-824 - 240pin DIMM Dominator


My question is which of them I will be most useful?

Will I be able to reach 2000 MHz?

my current memory is running at 1480 MHZ 9-9-9-24@1.9V

and those I have now is not XMP.

I want to continue to run with my processor which is to 4.3 ghz


so which of those two, I will be most pleased with?


I play heavy games, etc. etc.


I would appreciate any of this forum will help me Because corsair feels right for me

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Thanks for your quick response!

I know that the processor does not work with more than 1333 mhz on the memory at default CPU BLCK, right now I have one hell of manual bios, but what's the difference if you use XMP? and then manually clock the processor until it reaches 4.3 GHZ, as I have it now?

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XMP is just a predetermined memory profile that has been deemed to work in many applications - but not necessarily with all memory modules/mobos/PSUs/Video cards, etc. Manually setting the BIOS options will allow you to determine the maximum memory frequency for your particular hardware.
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XMP is just a predetermined memory profile that has been deemed to work in many applications - but not necessarily with all memory modules/mobos/PSUs/Video cards, etc. Manually setting the BIOS options will allow you to determine the maximum memory frequency for your particular hardware.

So do you support and think that the best option for me is to set a goal for the 2000mhz sticks? because I know I will reach probably 1800 mhz with the 1600mhz stick with some manual settings..

What do you think?


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I'm not sure I understand your last question.


If you're looking to run stable above the specified memory bus speed for your CPU then picking the higher frequncy rated RAM, i.e. 2000 MHz. may provide a higher stable speed than a 1600 MHz. rated RAM - but there are no guarantees when it comes to overclocking.

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Okej I fully understand, But one question, What is the Different between CMT4GX3M2A2000C8 and CMG4GX3M2A2000C8


Do they both support my chipset? P55

The reason I wonder is because CMG cost 100$ more..



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Okej I fully understand, But one question, What is the Different between CMT4GX3M2A2000C8 and CMG4GX3M2A2000C8


Do they both support my chipset? P55

The reason I wonder is because CMG cost 100$ more..



FAQs to the rescue! NEW Memory Part Number Breakdown


CMT = CMG + connector for Airflow Pro


Both should work on that platform, however your memory controller may or may not be able to handle memory that fast.

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