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Overclocking Issue please help


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Hi all , got my memory today , Wacked it in got it all setup an guess what..:roll:


Ok so the problem is this if i run the memory at 1066 dual channel mode sli enabled with 10% overclock it runs Perfectly


If i over clock my cpu to 3.9 and run it without the memory just using striaght ddr 633 or the dominator on a 800mhz setting it seems to run fine aswell



But if i try to run the memory and cpu both together fast it falls on its **** refuses to boot an keeps giving me det ram error, iv tried updating to the latest bios still have the same problem and now im tearing my hair out trying to figure out why both configurations run fine alone but Refuse to work together


Can anyone help?

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i was running two single channel ddr 2 633mhz sticks with the processor overclocked to 3.9gigs per core .. This has been fine for over a year



Today i got my crossair dominator (twin2x4096-8500C5D) (2x2gig)


Iv put these in the machine in the two blue Dual channel slots , And gone through the bios setup so im running them with SLI enabled with a 15% overclock with daul channel mode enabled..


The problem is i cannot run the sticks at 1066 i have to run them at 800 otherwise it wont post and get a det error, Yet if i remove the overclock on the CPU i can run them at 1066 without a problem

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same here with my bloodiron! thats the way it works unless you can use 1333 ram?


I dont know all i know is my board says it supports 1066 memory and has the option to specify that speed bios , The cpu is happy being overclocked to 3.9 ghz and the memory im usingis certified to run at 1066mhz


I dont understand why it does not work :confused: I can only asume when i overclock the CPU it is screwing up something else that the memory doesnt like when its running at top speed


perhaps NB HT settings ?? i have them all on auto at the moment

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You may want to read the link below which is a detailed explanation on overclocking the Phenom II series CPUs. You can definitely have issues with the Northbridge and HT frequencies and voltages when overclocking in addition to thermal issues. If you check my specs you will see I'm also running the 965 BE OC'd without issues with the RAM @ 1600 MHz.



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You may want to read the link below which is a detailed explanation on overclocking the Phenom II series CPUs. You can definitely have issues with the Northbridge and HT frequencies and voltages when overclocking in addition to thermal issues. If you check my specs you will see I'm also running the 965 BE OC'd without issues with the RAM @ 1600 MHz.




dont suppose you would care to share your o/c settings would you??

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dont suppose you would care to share your o/c settings would you??


Sure but every CPU, Mobo, DIMMS, PSU, VID, etc. are different.


CPU: vcore 1.425V 19.5X CPU multi


CPU NB 1.20V


SB/HT 1.26V


8-8-8-24 1T @ 1.65V for 2 x 2 = 4 Gb. Corsair CMP4GX3M2B1600C8


Many people report that they need to limit the CPU Core Temp in the mid 50C range for stability on most Phenom II CPUs. Don't run higher voltages than needed as the multi-core CPUs generate a lot more heat for a small bump in voltage.


FWIW, the AMD 965 BE is unlocked so it can be OC'd by just cranking the CPU multi without jacking the other frequencies.


Every system is different so you get what you get but Dolk's guide will help you get the low hanging fruit quickly. ;):


As a reference point many systems will allow or actually require higher Northbridge/HT frequencies to achieve a stable 3.9-4.0 GHz. on the Phenom II but my system does not like these and will crash if I up the NB/HT frequencies.

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Sure but every CPU, Mobo, DIMMS, PSU, VID, etc. are different.


CPU: vcore 1.425V 19.5X CPU multi


CPU NB 1.20V


SB/HT 1.26V


8-8-8-24 1T @ 1.65V for 2 x 2 = 4 Gb. Corsair CMP4GX3M2B1600C8


Many people report that they need to limit the CPU Core Temp in the mid 50C range for stability on most Phenom II CPUs. Don't run higher voltages than needed as the multi-core CPUs generate a lot more heat for a small bump in voltage.


FWIW, the AMD 965 BE is unlocked so it can be OC'd by just cranking the CPU multi without jacking the other frequencies.


Every system is different so you get what you get but Dolk's guide will help you get the low hanging fruit quickly. ;):


As a reference point many systems will allow or actually require higher Northbridge/HT frequencies to achieve a stable 3.9-4.0 GHz. on the Phenom II but my system does not like these and will crash if I up the NB/HT frequencies.


If i post my exact bios options from the oc menu do you think you could suggest some settings that will do the job?


At the moment my settings are


CPU frequency 225

CPU multiplier 17.5


Vcore voltage 1.472


Dram speed 800mhz


Everything else is on auto, I have a farley serious peace of cooler on the chip so dont worry about heat to much im only idling at about 46 after 2 days running solid



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I'd find out what the correct voltage is for your RAM and manually set it in BIOS. You can also set the CPU NB to 1.20V and test.


Overclocking is a long tedious process if you are trying to get the most from your system. Use Core Temp to see what temp your CPU is running at and then you can see about making small changes in vcore as necessary. Dolk's overclocking guide should help with the many issues/challenges that are involved with overclocking.

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I'd find out what the correct voltage is for your RAM and manually set it in BIOS. You can also set the CPU NB to 1.20V and test.


Overclocking is a long tedious process if you are trying to get the most from your system. Use Core Temp to see what temp your CPU is running at and then you can see about making small changes in vcore as necessary. Dolk's overclocking guide should help with the many issues/challenges that are involved with overclocking.


thanks your not wrong about the long tedious iv spent about 7 hours today tweaking and bench testing , I'v got it pretty much peaked now at


ht link 1789

nb 1789

Dram 446


There is theoretically a bit more performance in the memory but i just cannot face doing anymore tests now i swear i will be seeing bios in my sleep tonight

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