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H50 Liquid Freeze ?


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I'm thinking of connecting a H50 in my arcade cabinet I have in a sun room in the back of my house. My only concern is that the liquid in these units might freeze this winter when the temps gets below freezing. Anyone know for sure if it might cause a problem leaving it out there 24/7 when the ambient temps drop really low ?
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In a response to another post you say that you run your system 24/7, with the liquid flowing it would be hard for it to freeze.

Then there's the fact that there's polypropelene glycol in the mix.


Well actually, the system that runs 24/7 is a different system. I plan on adding a second H50 to my arcade cabinet that doesn't run all the time and that stays outside. If the liquid contains polypropylene glycol then I guess it wont freeze. That's the information I was after.



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