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16GB Flash Voyager losing files


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My Flash Voyager is losing entire folders, some of which contain GB's of much needed data. The folder just shows up as an 8 kb "file". The first time it happened I attributed it to pulling it out without stopping the USB drive. It has happened again and the number of folder disappearing is now at three. I am copying the files off the drive but I need to know if there are any GOOD utilities to try to recover the lost data.
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First if you need to recover some data there are some third party utilities available that may help you if you have some data you need to recover from this site.

If you still have problems, let’s get it replaced. Please use the RMA request found in TSXpress or follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it!

like PC Inspector Smart Recovery

hope the link helps!

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