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Xfx nforce 680i lt sli ddr2 + dominator twin2x4096-8500c5df


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Hello Ram Guy!


Decided to get on the Windows 7 64-bit wagon (moving from Vista/32) -- I opted to add an additional 4 GB of RAM to my system bringing the total to 8 GB. Would like some advice on memory timings and voltages --


System POSTs fine, and windows seems stable, have not run any burn-in tests, but i've had no end of problems on another system which I am trying to do this on, so I thought I would post pre-emtively. Motherboard seems to come up @5-5-5-18 timing and 1.85v using 'optimal' settings. Can you please advise if I should change this, and if so, based on this 4x configuration, what you would recommend.


Thanks much



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Thanks - can you explain why? I like to build my systems knowledge when I do these things - I understand that Dominator RAM is rated at 2.1v, but why doesnt the SPD specify these timings and voltages (5-5-5-15 vs 5-5-5-18)?


A second question - I've seen other threads cautioning with respect to using 4 DIMMs in many systems due to motherboards not being fully qualified to run them at the Dominator clock speeds (1066 Mhz) - am I extrapolating too much from those posts -- are there any concerns here that I should be worried about?



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