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TWIN2X2048-8500C5DF with evga 780i


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what should i overclock (or overvoltage i don't know the difference) to get benefit of the full ram speed with system stability


thanks guys

if there is anything that i need to mention about my system please tell me , thanks


Please enter Here and set down your system specifications being as complete as possible so that we can better advise you.

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Are you looking to increase your DRAM bandwidth or overlock the entire system, both CPU and DRAM?


What cooling do you have on your system? CPU/Case Airflow, DRAM cooling, etc?


the entire system and i am using water cooling for the CPU and 3in 3out 120mm fans for the case

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OK. Now your DRAM modules. Can you remove one and tell me the version number. There are now four versions. 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, and 4xx.


it's ok to remove it while i am using the PC right





just kidding

shutting down the PC BRB in 2 min

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Download CPU-z from
and post screen shots of your CPU/Memory/SPD tabs after the overclock.

Download Prime95 (OS: 9x/Me/NT/2k/XP) --->

Download Prime95 (OS: XP x64/2003 x64) --->

Download Core Temp

Use OCCT Perestroika for a quick, hard and fast CPU stability test. Download

You can use Photobucket
to upload the graphics.

Let's find your baseline stability. Enter your BIOS and set to these values:


**System Clocks**

CPU Freq. MHz = 266

CPU Muliplier = Auto

PCIe x16, 3, MHz = 100

SPP<->MCP Ref Clock, MHz = 100

**HT Multiplier**

nForce SPP --> nForce MCP = 5x

nForce SPP <-- nForce MCP = 5x

**Spread Spectrum**

CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled

HT Spread Spectrum: Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum (MCP): Disabled

SATA Spread Spectrum: Disabled


**FSB & Memory Config**

SLI-Ready Memory = Disable

FSB - Memory Clock Mode = UnLinked

FSB (QDR), MHz = 1066

MEM (DDR), MHz = 1066Mhz


**Memory Timing Section**

Memory Timing Section = Expert

tCL = 5

tRCD = 5

tRP = 5

tRAS = 15

Command Per Clock = 2T


* Advanced Memory Settings**

tRRD = Auto

tRC = Auto

tWR = Auto

tREF = Auto

**CPU Configuration**

Limit CPUID MaxVal = Disabled

Intel Speedstep = Enabled

CPU Thermal Control = Enabled

C1E Enhanced Halt State = Enabled

Execute Disabled Bit = Enabled

Virtualization Technology = Enabled


CPU Core 0 = Enabled

CPU Core 1 = Enabled

CPU Core 2 = Enabled

CPU Core 3 = Enabled

**System Voltages**

CPU Core = Auto

CPU FSB = Auto

Memory = 2.1v

nForce SPP = Auto

nForce MCP = Auto

HT nForce SPP <-> MCP = Auto

nForce MCP Auxiliary = Auto


After setting to these values, save them and boot to the Memtest ISO. Allow for two full passes and if stable, enter Windows. Run CoreTemp and CPU-z. Post the Idle temps with CoreTemp, the CPU/Memory and SPD tabs. Then Run OCCT and post your CoreTemp results at stock after 15 minutes.


Then we can move to the upclock.


Please post these results in the Enthusiast section as Corsair does not support overclocking.


Enthusiast Section:



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i went ahead without you and played a little i am now on 3.4 GHZ at 1.287v :) with FSB speed of 1512 MHZ it's not stable yet

things that i don't know anything about need to be changed :confused:


and bout this:

SPP<->MCP Ref Clock, MHz = 100

my minimum in 200 ???


i will do the other stuff and see what will happen

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i have done this:

Download CPU-z from
and post screen shots of your CPU/Memory/SPD tabs after the overclock.

Download Prime95 (OS: 9x/Me/NT/2k/XP) --->

Download Prime95 (OS: XP x64/2003 x64) --->

Download Core Temp

Use OCCT Perestroika for a quick, hard and fast CPU stability test. Download

You can use Photobucket
to upload the graphics.

Let's find your baseline stability. Enter your BIOS and set to these values:


**System Clocks**

CPU Freq. MHz = 266

CPU Muliplier = Auto

PCIe x16, 3, MHz = 100

SPP<->MCP Ref Clock, MHz = 100

**HT Multiplier**

nForce SPP --> nForce MCP = 5x

nForce SPP <-- nForce MCP = 5x

**Spread Spectrum**

CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled

HT Spread Spectrum: Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum (MCP): Disabled

SATA Spread Spectrum: Disabled


**FSB & Memory Config**

SLI-Ready Memory = Disable

FSB - Memory Clock Mode = UnLinked

FSB (QDR), MHz = 1066

MEM (DDR), MHz = 1066Mhz


**Memory Timing Section**

Memory Timing Section = Expert

tCL = 5

tRCD = 5

tRP = 5

tRAS = 15

Command Per Clock = 2T


* Advanced Memory Settings**

tRRD = Auto

tRC = Auto

tWR = Auto

tREF = Auto

**CPU Configuration**

Limit CPUID MaxVal = Disabled

Intel Speedstep = Enabled

CPU Thermal Control = Enabled

C1E Enhanced Halt State = Enabled

Execute Disabled Bit = Enabled

Virtualization Technology = Enabled


CPU Core 0 = Enabled

CPU Core 1 = Enabled

CPU Core 2 = Enabled

CPU Core 3 = Enabled

**System Voltages**

CPU Core = Auto

CPU FSB = Auto

Memory = 2.1v

nForce SPP = Auto

nForce MCP = Auto

HT nForce SPP <-> MCP = Auto

nForce MCP Auxiliary = Auto


After setting to these values, save them and boot to the Memtest ISO. Allow for two full passes and if stable, enter Windows. Run CoreTemp and CPU-z. Post the Idle temps with CoreTemp, the CPU/Memory and SPD tabs. Then Run OCCT and post your CoreTemp results at stock after 15 minutes.


Then we can move to the upclock.


Please post these results in the Enthusiast section as Corsair does not support overclocking.


Enthusiast Section:




and here it is :

CPU temps:



CPU-Z readings:



i should metion that i got an error with the bios when i bootup saying: "warning! Now System is in Safe Mode, Please reset CPU or Memory frequency in the CMOS setup"


i don't know why :confused:


PS: i am using an evga 780i MB

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i should metion that i got an error with the bios when i bootup saying: "warning! Now System is in Safe Mode, Please reset CPU or Memory frequency in the CMOS setup"


I can't read your posts. Please post readable graphic uploads. The system does not like one of your settings and is rebooting in Motherboard Safe Mode as a recovery measure. This could be due to many things such as overheating, overvolting, error in DRAM speed/timings, CPU speed, Low voltages, etc.


At the settings I gave you, this should not be showing up. This leads me to think that you have changed some settings as you said you went ahead and did some clocking up.

After setting to these values, save them and boot to the Memtest ISO. Allow for two full passes and if stable, enter Windows. Run CoreTemp and CPU-z. Post the Idle temps with CoreTemp, the CPU/Memory and SPD tabs. Then Run OCCT and post your CoreTemp results at stock after 15 minutes.


I asked you to set as above and post the graphics of the results and you posted two entirely unreadable graphics.

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sorry for that it was the Thumbnail

here are the right ones :

CPU-Z reading:



CPU temps :



i did exactly what you've told me

i think the problem was that the CPU and RAM didn't have a suitable FSB

that lead me to a question : is linking the CPU FSP and the RAM DRAM (in a synchronized mode 1(x4 quad):2 (x2 DDR2) is better? or that does nothing ?


however, i did some some overclocking now : here are the new results :) :


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i think the problem was that the CPU and RAM didn't have a suitable FSB

that lead me to a question : is linking the CPU FSP and the RAM DRAM (in a synchronized mode 1(x4 quad):2 (x2 DDR2) is better? or that does nothing ?


however, i did some some overclocking now : here are the new results :) :



I personally unlink the CPU:DRAM when overclocking, but there are high CPU clocks on the 680/780 that do better with a link. Clearly you have no problem with temperatures so now it is just a matter of matching your CPU overclock to a DRAM overclock. Isolate the CPU and test the DRAM to find your overclock of the DRAM. Once you have found your maximum safe (temps are important on those chips) DRAM clocking, then you find your maximum stable CPU overclock. Then you set for max CPU and max DRAM and test again for stability. Use OCCT for a quick 30 minute stability test and then use Prime 95 for your final 8 - 10 hour stability test.


You seem to have a decent enough understanding of how to gain the overclock. Now you just need to meld the CPU:DRAM and work to gain stability.

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can you tell me how to use Prime 95

i download it and it was super confusing

then i download ORTHOS and it was simple to use however i didn't understand:

1- what the difference testes are?

2- what time should they be run for?

3- what about the Priority?

4- can i use the computer (normal or heavy use) while they are running ?






P.S knowing my rig what do you thing the highs overclock for both the CPU and RAM (i don't what to overclock the heck out of it, just some thing that pay of the water cooling and doesn't harm my components on the long time)

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can you tell me how to use Prime 95

i download it and it was super confusing

then i download ORTHOS and it was simple to use however i didn't understand:

1- what the difference testes are?

2- what time should they be run for?

3- what about the Priority?

4- can i use the computer (normal or heavy use) while they are running ?


Just set to Small FFT's (as long as you have memtested stable) and click OK. Run Core Temp as well to check your load temps. If you get stable at 8+ hours then you are fine. It is ok to do light computer use while you Prime but you do not want to be doing heavy use. Let it run overnight.








As long as you run 4 torture test threads, then you do not have to worry about priority settings.


P.S knowing my rig what do you thing the highs overclock for both the CPU and RAM (i don't what to overclock the heck out of it, just some thing that pay of the water cooling and doesn't harm my components on the long time)


I would think that 3.6 - 3.8 should be the mark for that CPU when using water cooling. Depending on the chip that is. Some make 4.0 with good w/c. The DRAM? Well that is dependent on the DRAM. I have seen 8500's make 1200Mhz and some make 1100MHz. So it's a YRMV kind of thing. You need to test the DRAM yourself.

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  • 4 months later...
Hi, I have 4 sticks of TWIN2X2048-8500C5DF ... would I follow the same procedures? thanks


What are you trying to accomplish? Please start your own thread with as much information as possible. Thank you.

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