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corsair memory compatibility (vs versus XMS)


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Well, that didn't take long to solve. I just bought a stick of Corsair XMS PC 3200 400 mhz (1 GB) to add to the VS (value select) Corsair I already had installed (2X512, PC3200 400mhz).

1st try was Dimm1 (vs), Dimm2 (vs), Dimm3 (xms)=not even able to reach bios.

2nd try was Dimm1 (xms), Dimm2 (vs), Dimm3 (vs)=initial splash screen showing processor came up but then locked up.

3rd try was Dimm1 (xms) only. Booted up into windows after a shaky start (didn't recognize floppy??) but it's running and noticeably faster I might say. My settings may need tweeking. Not too familiar with manually configuring memory settings 3-3-3-8 is printed on the stick, which I think:confused: I properly set up. Yet still with the shaky start up. Any thoughts out there?


K8N Neo Platinum MB

Athlon XP 3400

1 GB Corsair PC3200 XMS

80 GB Western Digital HD

Antec Neo Power 480 PS

Windows XP Professional

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First you have 2 x 512 dimms and 1 gig dimm now, you need to configure the speed to the slowest of them which indeed is 3-3-3-8, it might be required to enable 2T command rate to get it stable and to go DDR333 to ensure even more stability. (thus loosing a lot of performance) AMD64 rigs don't like mixed dimms they prefer 2 x 1 gig dimms to get the most speed and stability. The memory controller is on the CPU and using 3-4 sticks put extra strain on that controller

It's like Mr Wired you are far better to go with the same sticks. It can well be this mixed setup will never run together stable.

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Thanks guys. I agree with your diagnosis-the mixed set up doesn't seem to work well together while the 1GB stick of XMS is running like a champ and faster than the 2X512 of VS did. I can tell just by observation. Anyway, damn salesman at Fry's assured me the different types of Corsair memory would be compatible. He was just looking to make the sale I should go back and kick him in his *****! So, what I may do is go back and get another stick of the XMS 1GB. Fry's has it for $89 while Newegg sells for $124..whatever. I was just hoping to use all my existing memory together but you are right I would have to set it to the slowest speed therefore defeating the whole purpose of upgrading, true?! :idea: Thanks leeghoofd and Wired!


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