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Memory Error


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I keep getting the following memory error, however memtest 86 says the memory is ok.


The instruction @ 0x7c911ec3 Referenced memory @ 0x03fe0f2. The memory could not be written


Click ok to termintate program or click cancel to debug


I have checked all wiring and removed and reinstalled all cards and memory to test for possible bad connection.


Please advise if memory needs to be replaced or not.




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What CPU / FSB / Motherboard do you have?


What is the exact part # and revision # of each stick? Is it a TwinX pack?

How To Read the Memory Label


If you have more than one stick, have you tested one stick at a time in each slot using Memtest86+?


Click here to find out how you can add your system specs to your profile and posts!



How / when are you getting that error?

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