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Corsair Flash + PCI Wireless (Dlink) = Strange Behavior


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When I connect the Corsair Flash Drive directly to my motherboard through the USB ports my PCI wireless ethernet card will not respond correctly as websites will not load. This occurs even when it is "safe to remove" and still connected. Only unplugging it will restore the wireless connection.


Things I have done to figure out what was wrong:

1) Tried different USB ports. Tried all 6 back ports and both front ports. No change

2) Looked in device manager for IRQ conflicts or any other problems, of which there were none.

3) Bios settings for Legacy USB enabled (then restored to disabled)

3) Switched wireless PCI card to another slot. Problem still occurred.

4) Tried wired ethernet; PCI card and Onboard LAN connection. Both work fine even with Corsair Flash connected.

5) Only when the Corsair Flash is connected to a USB v1.1 hub did the PCI card work properly.


I believe that this is a Motherboard USB controller issue that is conflicting with the PCI card, though why only the wireless card I do not know. Is there anything else that could be tried? Can I get an explanation for this strange behavior. Any help is appreciated.


ASRock K7V88 (Latest Bios)

AMD XP 2500+

AGP 8x MSI 9800pro

512x2 Corsair VS512MB400

WD Raptor 36gb



I turned off the USB 2.0 Support in the Bios though I left the USB controller on. This fixes the problem too. Can I get an explanation and how to remedy it?

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An explanation to your problems would more than likely come from the motherboard manufacture or the chipset vendor themselves. As your testing has shown the Corsair Flash Voyager has continued operation through the entire procedure. With the symptoms that you have described I would recommend getting the latest drivers for the chipset and your PCI wireless card. Depending on the OS that you are using you also need to make sure you have the latest updates, as they would also have an effect on the USB 2.0 functionality.
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An explanation to your problems would more than likely come from the motherboard manufacture or the chipset vendor themselves. As your testing has shown the Corsair Flash Voyager has continued operation through the entire procedure. With the symptoms that you have described I would recommend getting the latest drivers for the chipset and your PCI wireless card. Depending on the OS that you are using you also need to make sure you have the latest updates, as they would also have an effect on the USB 2.0 functionality.


I feel pretty silly. I had assumed that I had the latest drivers for the PCI card as wells as the USB 2.0. I did in fact have the latest USB but not the PCI Wireless card. One of the changelog items in the wireless card was "Fixed issue with VIA Southbridge" though the details are not outlined it fixed my problem. Thanks for the input.

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