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A8N32-SLI & 2 x TWINX2048-3200C2 Problem


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I have just finished building my new gaming system and have an issue with the memory.


I purchased 2 sets of the CORSAIR TWINX2048-3200C2 which (assuming i read the corsair configurator right) should have given me 2 x 2Gb so 4Gb of Ram in total but for some reason the BIOS reports that only 1.5Gb is usable out of the 4Gb.


I've checked each of the 4 Sticks individually and the bios reports that in each case 1024Mb is usable. The moment I install a 2 or more of the 1Gb sticks the bios reports that only 1.5Gb is usable.


I've never run into memory problems in the past when I've built systems so its not really an area I have much experience with.


The memory related bios settings are all at default (auto) values at the moment.


Any help or suggestions on what I can try to resolve this would be appreciated.





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I don't have another rig to try them in and dont know anyone who has.


However, I did try an option "Hardware Memory Hole" in the BIOS under the Memory Configuration options which was set to disabled. I enabled it and although the BIOS now says 1.5Gb Installed it also says 4Gb available and when I boot into Windows XP 64bit it too thinks there is 4Gb to play with.


When I get a chance I'll try one of the memory testing boot images and see what that says.


If anyone else has a similar experience I'd be interested to know what options you changed from the Default for this motherboard.



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