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Vengeance RGB RS lighting won't turn off when computer is in sleep mode

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Just recently updated to iCUE 5.14.93 which I regret doing. Now if I put my PC in sleep mode, all the lighting turns off except for the lighting of my Vengeance RGB RS RAM modules. This didn't happen before updating my iCUE software to this version. I would have my RGB modules displaying a static color, and then switching to default rainbow lighting while the PC is asleep. Lowering the brightness to zero or setting the static color as black before putting the PC to sleep doesn't help, the RAM's lighting will then turn on automatically. Now my only solution is to completely turn off my PC which I feel I shouldn't do, it was not like that on earlier iCUE versions. Does anyone have a solution/workaround for this? iCUE just gets worse and worse with every update.

2x8GB Corsair Vengeance RGB RS 3600 MHz C18

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I have the exact same issue recently. I have my hardware lightning on my RAM set to Static color 00000 so they should turn off in sleep which has worked for years. Recently (I guess with an icue update ot Windows update) this has stopped working and the same static color from my Windows profile is still active on the RAM in sleep.

Would love to see a solution to this.

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This is noted in several other threads and the list of devices affected has expanded and no longer just RAM. Sleep mode is problematic to begin with and many programs don’t like to be reloaded from an image state. There always will be a chance something doesn’t load back up properly without its normal start sequence.

That said, the best current workaround is to quit CUE from the task bar prior to entering S3 sleep. That should drop all devices into Hardware Lighting (Device Memory Mode) and put your RAM to 0,0,0. After wake, relaunch CUE normally. That should allow you to sidestep the other common issues relating to multiple services not resuming on wake. 

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Mine is doing exactly the same. I currently have an open ticket with support about this and from what they can see, I have all the settings correct for the RAM to switch off in sleep but it doesn't.

Highly frustating as I've used this for a couple years with no problems.

My PC is set to go sleep after 1 hour of inactivity, so changing led settings to off before sleep mode doesn't work for me.

Have a picture of my glowing RAM because I have to too😫

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