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iCue Offline Installer Packages

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Posted (edited)

The latest version of iCue (5.14.93) keeps crashing randomly. When its not crashing, the Corsair LL fan LEDs keep glitching when iCue is running.
I tried to uninstall and do a fresh install by deleting files in Program Files, ProgramData and all other AppData (local and roaming) locations, and the same thing happens. 

I want to install an earlier version of iCue (5.12.97) but the installer executable is just a stub which downloads the latest installer 5.14.93 and installs it again. Everything was working fine before the 5.14.93 release, but now I can't go back and am stuck with software that crashes and LEDs that flicker/glitch.

Please make older installers available to download so people can go back to a working version while bug fixes are being made.

- YG007 

Edited by YG007
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I understand that it is not possible to roll back to a previous version of iCue. As I stated above, the installer downloads the latest install files, and no one has control of that. 

This is why Corsair needs to release installer packages for older iCue 5 versions so we can install a previous version of iCue that was working for certain users.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just wanted to update this thread. 

I wanted to downgrade to an earlier version of iCue because the 5.12 never crashed for me. 5.14.93 has many problems. It would crash randomly, and when putting the computer to sleep or hibernate, the RGB profile would stay running instead of going to device memory mode before going to sleep/hibernate and then freeze on the last frame when the computer is off, which is annoying. 

Today, iCue crashed like it regularly does, but now, my motherboard RGB did not come back when I opened iCue after the crash. Usually, when iCue crashed, all the lights would reset when iCue was relaunched, but now the motherboard RGB is not working at all and will not even come back on in the BIOS. Tried to reinstall the software and mobo software but the motherboard RGB is still not working!! Even in the BIOS which should have the motherboard RGB lights in hardware mode, they will not light up anymore.

5.14.93 should have been tested more. So many people with problems, and now my motherboard RGB is dead.

Edited by YG007
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3 hours ago, YG007 said:

when putting the computer to sleep or hibernate, the RGB profile would stay running instead of going to device memory mode before going to sleep/hibernate

That is a known issue but with an easy workaround. Quit CUE from the task bar prior to entering Sleep. All devices will drop into their hardware lighting (DMM).  Relaunch after wake. This also should help avoid some of the issues that come from using the S3 sleep state — like crashing and freezing. 

3 hours ago, YG007 said:

but now the motherboard RGB is not working at all and will not even come back on in the BIOS

CUE does not power your motherboard rgb lights. It sends a color signal to your motherboard RGB program, which in turn sends a signal to the actual motherboard rgb controller where power is delivered. While a software conflict preventing it from working is possible, if the lights are not controllable through your MB bios/software when CUE is not present, something else is wrong. Power kills LEDs, not colors. 

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