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After GPU driver update pump doesn’t work anymore.

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After I updated my graphics card driver (which may be just a coincidence) the temperature of my CPU started rising even with low load. On 50% i‘m at 90 degrees. On 100% the temperature of the coolant went up to 47 degrees celsius instantly. 

iCue says the pump is working, but to me it seems the pump is dead. Switching from „balanced“ to „intensive“ there’s no difference in sound from the pump, and if I touch the pump, there’s no vibration, which to me is a pretty good indicator that the pump isn’t working properly anymore.

The curious thing though is, that iCue is reading back an RPM value.

Any ideas?

I need my PC to work on some private projects the next week. Is there a chance I may get a replacement at the shop? 
The system is still covered by warranty.

Thanks in advance, any help will be appreciated.

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also das Problem kenne ich das nur, wenn du manuell den AMD GPU Treiber deinstalliert hast und dabei der Chipsatztreiber von AMD der CPU und co. steuert mit deinstalliert wurde. Ich weiß leider nicht was für Hardware du verwendest. Solltest du einen AMD haben, versuch doch mal einen aktuellen Chipsatztreiber von AMD zuinstallieren, vielleicht behebt das dein Problem.

Wenn du keine AMD Komponenten hast, ignoriere einfach meinen Beitrag.

Edited by Plumbumm
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