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Missing CPU and GPU temperature sensors

Go to solution Solved by c-attack,

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Since the last update (v.5.12.97), CPU and GPU temperature sensors are missing.

They are no longer monitored. I no longer see them either in the dashboard or on my Nexus, and the fans (H170i Elite LCD XT) stand idle.

The only solution is to repair iCue.

But I have to do this every time I start my PC.

During the repair, this message appears: "attempted an unsupported operation icue". But it works... until the next PC restart...

This is really annoying.

Does anyone have any idea what I should do?


(sorry for my broken english)

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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, if the repair works and then immediately breaks again, there is likely some corruption is the Corsair files that handles that function.  You'll need to do the full clean install.  Use the Export function to save any valuable profiles before starting.  This will erase all settings and profiles.  Make sure you do the registry clean steps.  That's usually where the problem resides.  


Edited by c-attack
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Thanks for the quick reply.
I wanted to avoid a complete reinstall. It takes time.
But if there's no other possibility, I'll have to do it. I'll do it this evening.

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