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Commander Pro USB ports still broken


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I know this has been an ongoing issue with the Pro for years. Why is it still broken after all this time? Sad to have two USB ports and they can't be used. Using 9 fans and 6 of them went to my XT. I figured I had a Pro lying here. Let's just put the last 3 on this and then plug it into the USB header and use the USB ports for the Xt and the PSU cable USB.

Nothing when I rebooted. The USB ports still have issues after 4 years now. Can we get the Pro swapped for another XT? Since it isn't going to be fixed and is outdated and support is gone for it?

I mean 18 wires of a rat nest in a mini case is nerve-racking. Let alone now having to go back and rewire something that hasn't been fixed for 4 years now.  Do they have fans that lock to the other? It would be nice to have 4 powers and 4 RGB versus the 9 power and 9 RGB wires.

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I guess the worst part is the delayed lighting you get now with them split. I don't know if putting the RGB controller to the Core Xt will resolve this or not. But there is a huge lighting delay between the 3 fans and the 6 fans now. If anyone knows how to fix this let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I am the only one with these issues. It is what it is. Does anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions to try? I am not sure what to do now. There are just way too many wires and jumbled up[ mess and it is half working and the delay is awful.

In my opinion, they should have made a minimum 12 port hub. That would be 3 front, 3 bottom, and 3 top. and one in the back and 2 extras in case you need them. And we need some daisy chain fans pronto.

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Unfortunately it's not just on the device end.  The passthrough ports on the Commander Pro used to work just fine for both other Corsair devices like Lighting Node Pros or PSUs.  I kept both mine full including a non-Corsair devices for several years.  Trouble started when we got the PCI-4.0 standard and those first gen boards from both AMD (X570, B550) and Intel Z690 had real connection issues, including direct connection problems.  In the meantime the devices have become more complicated and likely more needy voltage wise.  The Commander Pro's ports are passive.  If you connect two devices, then the motherboard USB 2 must be able to supply the connectivity voltage for all three.  I can still get away with connecting a Lighting Node Pro or PSU to it, but when trying more complex devices like a Commander Core/XT, Lian Li's controllers for the new SL/AL/TL type fans it likely is not going to be able to keep it connected.  I'm afraid those passthrough ports have been rendered less useful by time.


On 1/19/2024 at 11:13 PM, KILLER_K said:

I guess the worst part is the delayed lighting you get now with them split. I don't know if putting the RGB controller to the Core Xt will resolve this or not. But there is a huge lighting delay between the 3 fans and the 6 fans now. If anyone knows how to fix this let me know.

Do you mean at Windows boot when CUE loads (or when you quit)?  Or do you mean when CUE is running the devices keep going off on different timing patterns?

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I just tried to make my PSU USB work with it. It will light up but not in ICUE for it. I may just have to repin it to the other USB port as they will allow two devices per port.

My issue is with both. I set both controllers up in hardware lighting to be one color on the boot. Then when it loads into the OS I have my color chosen there. The Pro takes a lot longer to catch up on both the Boot and Windows. That is why I was asking for a Timer adjustment for + or - as that would get it close. For instance, I could slow down the XT to get pretty close to the Pro.

I will try to get an adapter for the USB. And see if that solves the issue for me. I will keep digging and see what else turns up.

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Unfortunately, differences in when a device loads into or exits CUE on quit seems to have worsened with the modular CUE 5.  Obviously the load is a bit chaotic and it's doing multiple checks for each device as it loads.  I don't know if anything can be done there.  I still see most of my non-CUE Link hub hardware fail to drop into HW Lighting at all when I shutdown the PC.  The CUE Link hub fans drop into HW mode instantly, whereas everything else may not make it before the lights go off.  Something is going on there, but no good suggestions to address it.  

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Yeah, It isn't life-threatening. It is just there. Maybe a good 3 -5 second delay between the two. The sad part is the Pro is only supporting 3 fans while the XT is holding 6 and is still faster. We can only laugh and hope it gets resolved.

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