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USB Splitter no longer powers mouse

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I purchased this USB splitter back in November 


I was using it plugged into the passthrough of my K95 keyboard to power a couple of RGB light sticks and my MM800 RGB POLARIS mousepad and DARK CORE RGB PRO mouse. Everything was working well until yesterday. I have tried plugging my mouse directly into the USB splitter (all ports) and it doesn't work but everything else that I plug into the  USB splitter still works fine.

Any ideas?


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Yes, that's way too many devices on one USB port and some power hungry ones too.  Regardless of whether it's one device or several, one USB 2 port only supplies so much voltage.  You have chained multiple devices in sequence.  I am surprised it ever worked at all.  


Does the mouse still work if you connect it directly to motherboard USB 2 port?

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I was afraid that was the problem, frankly I was surprised that it worked myself ;) Yes the mouse  still works fine if I plug it directly into a motherboard USB 2 port. It actually still works  plugged into the passthrough of my K95 keyboard to power the MM800 RGB POLARIS mousepad and then the mouse.

Any reason why it worked before but not now?  

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Blind guess is eventually you triggered some sort of hardware safety level on the hub.  However, are you saying it won't detect the mouse when it is the only device on the hub?  That might suggest something different.  CUE always has been a bit spotty with using external hubs, KVM switches and the like.  There were quite a few HID updates in the last couple of releases, so it is possible it something changed in the way CUE deals with KBs and mice in terms of hardware detection.  


You should be able to run the mouse from either the KB or the MM800 passthrough.  However, if you chain the MM800 through the KB and then the mouse to it, there is a chance it won't work on some motherboards.  Be careful with the RGB sticks.  I don't know exactly what they are or how much power they draw, but I would keep them directly connected on use the hub for that plus normal USB or temporary connections that won't draw constant power like the KB or MM800.  

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On 1/19/2024 at 6:38 AM, c-attack said:

Blind guess is eventually you triggered some sort of hardware safety level on the hub.  However, are you saying it won't detect the mouse when it is the only device on the hub?  That might suggest something different.  CUE always has been a bit spotty with using external hubs, KVM switches and the like.  There were quite a few HID updates in the last couple of releases, so it is possible it something changed in the way CUE deals with KBs and mice in terms of hardware detection.  

I am sorry that I forgot to follow-up on this thread. Yes, I am saying that the mouse is NOT detected even if it is the only thing on the hub. I was forced to run another cable just for the Corsair peripherals to work which defeats the purpose of the hub.

Bottom line, it was not a power issue,   the Corsair peripherals did not work when plugged into a USB hub. 

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