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Convert QL to QX in cueprofile

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I have older profiles I want to use on my new PC with QX fans. The previous system had QL fans. I believe they are identical as far as RGB layout goes. Is there a way to pull out, or simply change the xml to make the QL RGB settings a QX instead?


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You won't be able to do a direct import of the profile and the QL converts to QX.  Different controller, different fan name, even if the layout is the same.  What you might need to do is leave the old QL controller connected -- no fans required, just power and USB.  Then in CUE you can use the Lighting Library to port effects from the old controller to the new "QX controller".  


It's possible you could re-write the config file, but that is likely going to take longer than library copy and it's not something I have tried.  

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Well, that controller is in another PC, which is still in service. Taking it apart would take too long and would be pretty disruptive. Too bad I can't export the library. Actually, I'm surprised iCUE doesn't have the ability to import/export via a library. It would make so many things easier.

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  • Solution

Is the new PC a brand new install of CUE?  Or can you make it a brand new install of CUE?   One way to partially side step this is to copy the QL lighting effects to the library on PC A, then go to C:User/(name)/App Data/Roaming and copy the Corsair folder to a flash drive.  Move it over to the new CUE install.  Go to the same location and delete any existing Corsair folder.  Drop the copy in place, then launch CUE.  It will be an exact duplicate of the other install, including profiles and the library.  Then you should be able to move effects from the library to the CUE Link QX fan device.  


Obviously this is getting a bid tedious, so you'll have to measure how many profiles you have and if it isn't easier to start over on some of them.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is a really neat trick. Seems to me the iCUE team could easily implement some kind of export/import library function since this trick works. They could expand on this in a number of places and dramatically improve it's usability.

Thanks for the tip.


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