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How to remove all traces of IQue for a reinstall? 3 Versions ago trashed my install, Can't Reinstall

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It seems every few updates trash my ICUE installation.  I loose my custom lights on keyboard as well as OLED performance monitor.

About a month ago the update, it created an error every time it loads, something helpful like "unexpected error".

So I manually uninstalled, and reinstalled it, now I'm stuck in this loop where it is not fully installed or uninstalled.

I've used every uninstaller I can find.  Every Registry Cleaner I can find.   When I go to install I get "Open, Repair, Uninstall" Nothing works.

I brute forced my way through regedit and deleted anything to do with coursair or Ique.

Now my keyboard is totally dark and I can't see what is on any of the keys.  Fortunately I'm mostly a touch typist, but this is crazy that I have a $300 keyboard and accessories that I can't use fully.  The online help FAQ is worthless.   "Find and MFT reader and fix it yourself".    Thanks.

How about a nice uninstaller tool like Norton has for when the installation is so hosed nothing will fix it.

I hoped the latest Oct 10 release would fix it but no luck.

Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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This seems to be one of the continuing issues with the new CUE 5.  If you've done the normal "clean install" directions from CUE and it won't work, reboot to safe mode and try to do the registry clean and delete again.  Another option is to use professional removal software like Revo or similar products.  They will hunt for hidden files you (and the uninstaller) may have missed.  I had to do it about a month back as used Revo, but the safe mode should work too.  

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This just happened to me.  Did not get a choice to update or not.  Rebooted and AGAIN, my iCue and all my setting are gone.  This is just plain stupid at this point.  I forgot about Revo and I'll try that but that didn't resolve the issue of every freakin update totally removes "some" of the software. 

Corsair - FIX THIS!!!!!!

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