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PC suddenly stopped posting (black screen)

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Hello Guys,

My PC suddenly stopped posting when I tried to start it today morning. Just a black screen with nothing showing. I’d like to add, that I didn’t do any bios or windows update on my last session (which was last night) and I only did some light gaming and had shut down the PC normally. 

I’ve finished building my custom PC about 5 months ago using Corsair Hydro x kit with Corsair GPU block with an extra 360 rad and extra fans. Final setup looks something like this:

CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x with Corsair XC7 CPU block 
GPU: Zotac Amp Holo 3080 Ti with Corsair XG7 GPU block
Mem: Oloy blade 3600 MB (8GB x 4 sticks)
Motherboard: Gygabyte Elite Auros x570
HD: Samsung Pro NVME 1 TB
Total of 2 360 rads, 10 Corsair QL fans, 2 Corsair RGB hubs, XD 5 pump and a commander pro all installed in Corsair 5000D case.
Windows 10 Professional 

Important notes (Other symptoms I noticed after the issue):

1- The pump won’t move water on boot. It will only do so if I disconnected its fan header from commander pro (port 6). Whenever I plug it back in, pump wont move water (RGB works fine). This remained true even after I used the custom corsair pin to connect the 24 pin power supply to get the water moving (like I did when first installing the loop to check for leaks) to eliminate any possibility of motherboard or bios interference, if any.  
2- My RGB Corsair keyboard, plugged into the USB wont light up until a few minutes have passed after powering on the PC, and when it does, it seems unresponsive as I press num lock and Capslock without their light leds turning on. 
3- Fans and RGB are working fine with hardware RGB profile kicking in when powered on.
4- Motherboard RGB seems to be working fine.

Things I tried to fix the issue: 

1- Tried different monitor with different cables DP and HDMI
2- Different power source with different cable
3- Reset the bios through bridging the reset pins on the motherboard 
4- Removed motherboard battery and waited a few minutes before plugging it back 
5- Removed sticks of rams and tried single stick 
6- Drained loop and removed the GPU just to re-installed again
7- Tried using the built in HDMI port in the motherboard

Even though the motherboard have an HDMI port, I think being it’s and AMD system, it cant be used to display (don’t know why do they have it on the motherboard in the first place). 

Any advise on this would greatly be appreciated.

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Is the PC not posting (stuck on some motherboard error code) or does it post but there is no video output so you can’t see the desktop?  The difference is likely shown on any motherboard code display or beeps on boards without. The apparent failure of the MB to initialize the rear USB ports suggests it might not be posting. The fan/strip controllers are ‘dumb’ at that point and flip on as long as there is SATA XT power - no usb required. 

My first instinct is the gpu has an issue. You said you removed it. Did you try booting up with the CPU graphics engaged?  You should be able to switch to that without removing the gpu but it might be difficult if the MB won’t auto switch so you can see the bios. 

If this is true, it would likely cause cue issues when it tried to load since it uses gpu resources. It would crash. Your Commander Pro might have reset during your troubleshooting or as a result of the crash and the pump header is back at the default ‘slow fan speed’. You might want to leave the tach wire disconnected to force maximum speed while troubleshooting. 

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I appreciate your reply. As my CPU is an AMD 5900, there is no way of testing the onboard display after I unplugged the RTX. 
the only option is to get another GPU and try it out.

also, this motherboard doesn’t have any led of sounds to indicate bios issues unfortunately.


is there a way to know which component is failing?

on the same note, what the issue with the commando pro? Why would the pump not operate while plugged to the commander pro?

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Motherboard error codes or beeps. There must be something, but I don’t know the GA boards at all. Obviously swapping in a spare gpu is not exactly a viable troubleshooting step. This is one thing onboard cpu graphics is useful. 

I suspect the pump is operating, but it might have corrupted its fan profile when it crashed the first time. It’s likely running at a “slow” 900-1000 rpm that would be noticeable as a fan, but it’s not enough to move the water with two blocks, 2 radiators, and some vertical height. What were you using as the control curve/variable for it?  

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1 hour ago, c-attack said:

Motherboard error codes or beeps. There must be something, but I don’t know the GA boards at all. Obviously swapping in a spare gpu is not exactly a viable troubleshooting step. This is one thing onboard cpu graphics is useful. 

I suspect the pump is operating, but it might have corrupted its fan profile when it crashed the first time. It’s likely running at a “slow” 900-1000 rpm that would be noticeable as a fan, but it’s not enough to move the water with two blocks, 2 radiators, and some vertical height. What were you using as the control curve/variable for it?  

I will try and look for GA bios troubleshooting guide. 

As for pump it was set to run 1000RPM. But it will only kicks in once I log into win.

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If you used coolant temperature (from a temp probe) as the control variable for the pump or if it was set to a fixed speed, the 1000 rpm will continue when CUE is not running.  That might not be enough for adequate flow in a system with 2 blocks and two higher restriction XC5 radiators.  It's probably moving, just very slowly and now more obvious in the very quiet state.  

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On 5/20/2022 at 1:45 AM, c-attack said:

If you used coolant temperature (from a temp probe) as the control variable for the pump or if it was set to a fixed speed, the 1000 rpm will continue when CUE is not running.  That might not be enough for adequate flow in a system with 2 blocks and two higher restriction XC5 radiators.  It's probably moving, just very slowly and now more obvious in the very quiet state.  

The issue is, I don't see even an attempt to move the water. Meaning that it seems that the pump is just idling and all water in CPU and GPU blocks are just remaining still.  

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That's what it would look like in a low flow state.  You can't see the water moving.  It's moving very slowly.  When you remove the tach/PWM cable it forces the pump into the maximum 4800 rpm.  Obviously the water is moving then and is a lateral issue to whatever is at the core of the problems.  If you can't boot, you can't get to CUE and change it.  This is why I suggested you pull the tach/PWM cable and leave it running at maximum while you are dealing with this.  While the GPU is not really active on boot aside from the screen output, the CPU is and you are not going to be able to tell what's happening with CPU temp.  

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