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Mehrere corsair icue Commander xt verwenden


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Halli hallo ihr lieben, ich möchte meinen gaming rechner optisch aufwerten und habe mir dazu einen thermaltake p8 t6 tower gekauft und will ihn mit 18 Lüftern ll120 kühlen. Jetzt möchte ich wissen ob ich mir dafür 3 icue commander xt kaufen soll und wenn ja ob das funktioniert. Für eure Hilfe und Anregungen danke ich euch schon mal im voraus.

Verbaut habe ich asus maximus 11 hero wifi, ryzen 9 5900 x, 64 GB RAM, radeon rx 6900 xt red devil

Liebe grüsse

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I would be cautious about buying 3 Commander Core XT controllers. Several users have reported usb connection stability or detection issues when using 3 or more, even when connected to different motherboard usb 2 headers. The Commander Core that comes with the Elite Capellix AIO and LCD top also contribute to this issue when the total is 3 or more. 

A possible better alternative might be to use 2x Commander Pro controllers in combination with 1-2 PWM fan repeaters. That provides 4 LED channels, individual fan control for 12 with the PWM repeaters able to add another 8-10 fans each. Several advantages here:

  1. You’ll be buying 6 LL120 “multipacks” of three each. These have a Lighting Node Pro plus RGB lighting hub that allows you to power the fan RGB from the Commander Pro. Each LED channel supports 1 RGB lighting hub with up to 6 fans, so max of 24 LL from 2 Commander Pro. 
  2. No issue with device detection for two Commander Pro devices plus whatever number of Lighting Node Pro devices (if needed). 
  3. More temp sensor ports (4 vs 2) if using custom water cooling. 

It is also possible to do the above with just 1 or 2 Commander XTs, plus PWM fan hubs, plus 1-2 Lighting Node Pro devices to handle the RGB control (6-6-6 for each). However this might get a bit tedious on SATA connections for power. In fact there are many different ways to make this work with various combinations of controllers, but what is best may depend on specific details about your system. I prefer the Commander Pro for custom water cooling. Using 2x Commander XTs, 1 PWM hub, and 1 lighting mode core may be the fewest number of SATA connections. Your “other” RGB devices may influence your choice. 

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