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I recently bought a K70 RGB MK.2 keyboard, and I have a issue with one led, I have all the keyboard white but this key "´{" color is more pinkish, is like green color is not working.

I went to ICue software and try to only light up this key, and if I use any little of green color, "F11", "L", "Ñ", "-" "Into", "*" and left "direction" lights also green, if I use any color but green, the led of the key work propertly and all the rest are off

I did a soft reset and firware force update, and still having same issue

May I get something to do a hard reset to my keyboard?

Is a K70 RGB MK.2 P/N9109010-ES

Thanks on advanced

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-20 at 6.42.16 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-20 at 6.42.33 PM.jpeg

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Dear corsair team, please do you have any answer to this post, I do not want to RMA a keayboard that works perfeclty but that, and for me it is a software issue, as if you use red or blue color it does not make any issue

Edited by javgim78
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You’ve done the only two user options available - soft reset and forced firmware. It may simply be a dead green LED. Either way, time to contact Corsair Support. 

You can pop the key cap off and try blowing some compressed air at it. It’s a low odds on success but we have seen dust particles impact RGB function before. 

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Thanks for the asnwer, but is ankward that other keys lights up when I tell the key to do it, it looks like software, I will try with the compresed air, if not solved I will RMA it

Edited by javgim78
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Each key has 3 independent LEDs, red/green/blue.  It is possible for one LED to malfunction without affecting the other LEDs, unlike the fans or strips.  Most the of the time this is a local glitch on the KB rather than a blown LED.  However, you've already done the two software corrections available -- the soft reset and the forced firmware reload.  So if neither of those resolves it, it's either a dead LED or some type of problem that can't be user resolved.  There isn't a CUE version specific bug that causes this or there would 300 other people in this thread with you.

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Just got a replacement from Amazon

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