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Two GPU Temperatures

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So I just installed the ICUE update and now there are 2 GPU Temps.

when I am playing on is showing like 70-80°C and the other one is around 90°C at load. Is that bad or what is this second temp?

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4.18 introduced support for the other GPU sensors.  The exact number varies with GPU model and manufacturer.  Sometimes this is referred to as hot spot temp or on the 980 Ti it might be VRAM.  You also should see these in something like HWiNFO.  Some recent GPUs with high sensor counts (EVGA) might not show all of their 6+ sensors.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to know what the two temp means? I have my lower two fans set on a fan curve that goes off the GPU temp.  I currently have it set to Temp #1, is this the 'package temp'? i notice the Temp two seems to run hotter..

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  • 4 months later...

Got a problem as well with my card. I had more difference than that before to do a repaste. that brought me to the right temps again while gaming, with onyl a difference of 14-17c°. When i was passing the temps of 65c°, that hotspot was reaching 100c° minimum and higher, a difference of 30c° and more.

I have 3 temperatures in iCue: Temp#2 45.56 c° - Temp#1 32.72c° - Temp#3 46.16c°. and followed by only 2 fans rpm. My card have 3 fans but i presume one is faulty.

I had that hotspot problem (hwinfo64 showing it) at begining of 2021 before i did a repaste this week. Temps went down quite a bit in the normalityas noted before. I guess too that my fans do not work correctly. Will change that since i saw that one, while doing the repaste, was not turning well and kinda sticky.

I do not know when you did some maintenance on the card, but it might help first to see if your fans are spinning well on the card for a good airflow and maybe envisage to do some repaste of your gpu to gain back a much lower difference.

I think taht these temperatures are for vram, the gpu overall itself and another sensor related to the gpu. make some search.

ps: card is rog strix rtx 2080ti oc.

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59 minutes ago, JaED said:

and followed by only 2 fans rpm. My card have 3 fans but i presume one is faulty.

Not all GPUs with 3 fans have 3 independent fan controllers. Often gpu manufacturers will use a circuit board based fan splitter so they use the same parts for a 2 fan model and 3 fan card. This will always show as two fans. The same can occur in reverse and my zero fan EVGA hydro copper shows 2 fans in most programs. Additionally, CUE does not support more than 2 fans at this time. 

One way to tell if you are cue limited or hardware limited is to use another program like GPU-Z, HWiNFO, or MSI afterburner and check for 2 vs 3 fans. If they all show 2, then your board control system is 2+1 with two on a splitter. 

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