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So I have made a few topics about this and nobody seems to help I just need to know what is happening, I have bought a new fan thinking it was that but that don't seem to have fixed the problem so I got a new rgb hub and that hasn't fixed it as well, in the attached picture all the lights are turned off but they seem to be stuck on it only happens when my gpu reaches about 70C please help thank you.

Sorry bout the rubbish picture as well.


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You have a bad fan (LEDs) - which fan did you replace? Remember, the fans run in series. If I was going to guess, I'd say that bottom front is your culprit as only half the LEDs seem to be lit. I'm going to presume the bottom fan is #1 on you hub? If so, as a test, unplug fan #1 RGB connector from your hub and plug fans 2, 3 & 4 into ports 1, 2 & 3 on the hub. See if that fixes it. As a precaution, do not hot-swap the hub RGB connectors (shut down first).

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The front bottom fan is hub 3 and the rear is hub 4, i had problems with fan 4 at first so i replaced the rear fan to see if it would fix the problem but it still persists, but it only seems to happen when my gpu reaches about 70c also thank you for replying

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If you're running in that order, I'd be suspicious of the front top (fan #1). Remember they run in sequence, for example; if fan #1 has a fault, it wont send the correct signal to fan #2, causing issues with every fan after that. It might be best to unplug all your fans from the RGB hub and test them each individually (using port #1 of your RGB hub). It probably wont take long before you find the culprit. Make sure to test them all though because there could be 2 bad fans. I've had it happen!

On another note, I haven't ignored the GPU temp concern. It could very well be a PSU power issue as I'm sure your temps only rise when under load. However, it looks (at least to me), to be a simple fan issue. Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe others will chime in...

Edited by Johnny_B500
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Ill let you know tomorrow if i find out what it is thank you very much, i also have a 850 watt power supply i got told that was more then enough to power the pc but ill keep you updated 

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