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iCUE stopped remembering last game profile used. Is there any fix?


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Long story short- I have a couple of profiles for a couple of games, and use macros to switch between them. Like when I play another character, I switch the profile (through a macro) so that it "projects" my abilities and such.



iCUE used to remember what profile I last used, but now it just resets to a profile every time I enter the game (this includes alt-tabbing, which is the most annoying part of this issue).




So for example: Let's say I have Blue profile, Orange profile, and purple profile. I switch to Orange profile, then I alt-tab, and when I go back to the game, it's on the purple profile. The purple profile is always the "default" one it chooses, even though it isn't the first on the list, nor is its name the first when ordered alphabetically (it is the last one, though).

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Mine's been doing the same thing since I installed the 3.37.140 update.


I'm really hoping the next update is actually stable and bug free, but going on history that isn't likely. There hasn't been a release yet that hasn't broken something.

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