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Alt key doesn't work on Corsair K63


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Hi, as you may know, if you press alt while typing on a numpad you get different symbols like these: ☻♥♦ or these ↓▼►.


The corsair K63 doesn't have a numpad but I added a profile switching and numlock macro on the right windows key (because it has two windows keys, so one to spare) and selected different keys for numbers and operations resulting in a functional numpad.


However...... Once I press alt, I only have a second to use the numpad because after that, alt is pressed and released continuously as if it was any other key like the t: tttttttttttttttttttt.


This does not happen in my laptop. If I press a letter it does, but not with alt, in fact, I can press the alt of my laptop and then use the "numpad" from the Corsair K63 keyboard and it works just fine.


I've tried creating a macro on the alt key... Creating an alt macro on other key, creating a new profile, but all efforts were in vain. It seems this is a mistake, alt should not, by any means, behave like any other key, it should behave like the one in my laptop or any other functional keyboard. It seems that Corsair implemented a default behaviour on it, when it should have its own.




Does anyone have any similar experience with this or any other keyboard?


I would appreciate any suggestions.

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