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Strange behaviour from Lighting Node Core and Commander Pro


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Hi all,


Just finished a 1000D build with SP120 RGB Pro's, which due to the number of fans and rgb connections, has 3 CoPro's and 6 Lighting node core's, initially all was good with these but a day later one LNC isn't recognised on USB or by iCue and it has 4 fans stuck on white and 2 unlit.


Also one CoPro (not linked to the faulty LNC) only reads voltages as:

12v: 0.26

5v: 11.86

3v: 4.98

and no fan speeds.


I have tried unplugging/replugging power/usb, turning on and off but they appear to be stuck. Any common fixes or is it a case of getting the units replaced?

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It's possible there is an issue on the one Core device. It could be a bad fan or the device itself. The lighting is serial, so a break at fan #4 stops the show there. You would likely want to try fans 4,5, & 6 in the #1 slot to make sure they work (or don't), then try other fans after slot 4 to isolate a bad fan or controller. However, that is going to be a bit tricky and perhaps not conclusive if the Core isn't recognized. That could be another indicator there is a problem with the Core itself. Try plugging it into different internal USB ports (Commanders) to see if it is recognized.


However, there is another potential issue you want to assess before any of the above. The silly scrambled voltages above are a hallmark sign of polling interference from another monitoring program. If you are running AIDA, HWiNFO, or any other full spectrum monitoring program that polls Corsair hardware, you need to quit those and restart the Corsair service (or reboot). Even while not running, some programs leave their service or driver active. HWiNFO should be used with the 'Portable' version, not the installed one. Even while excluding Corsair devices from Aida, I still have difficulty keeping them from crossing paths and corrupting data. It is not uncommon for this to affect fan speed and lighting as well.


That also raises another line of inquiry. The software conflict should cease during the boot cycle when none of those programs are running. At this point, your Corsair gear should be displaying their hardware colors. If your wayward Core is still half lit on a reboot before the OS loads, the problem may indeed be physical.

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It seems there's a bit of both going on, without having HWinfo up the voltages and fan speeds read OK but fans are acting weird even on start up, I think that's why theyre white (seems to be startup colour? which is kinda annoying tbh)


So I'll try another lightning node, bit of a pain as it's now covered in wires and stuck with the very good 3M tape they come with. Very much doubt I'll be pulling 3 fans out of my system to return it either!

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Dug around with this a bit today and have to apologise for blaming the lighting node core! It's still a bit messy in the back of my 1000D (Never ask a woman her age or a 1000D owner what the cable management area is like) and I had managed to plug in the USB incorrectly, the female plug on the commander pro is slightly bigger than it needs to be and you can get it a pin or 2 out and still feel like it's 'home'.


All sorted now and finally managed to set up a nice 'breathing' colour gradient on all my fans which is something I've always wanted out of RGB effects!

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